The Sabre Program is winding down. The specifications have been finalized, all internal systems are up and running. They'll be sending Natalie somewhere else soon, and she can't say she isn't ready for some good old fashioned trigger pulling. On the other hand, they loaded up the full complement of Sabre's weapons today and Natalie got to take her out for target practice. She's still grinning when she takes a seat at the bar to order dinner.
The Fourth of July celebrations have gotten started early in North Carolina. Somebody must have cleared out the fireworks stand down the road, based on the amount of explosions Artemis can hear from her house. The noise has done nothing but spin the girls into a steadily bigger frenzy, so Artemis brought them to the bar to run into out of there system. Conclusion: one goddess, sitting on a rock by the lake shore, with six hounds running in varying degrees of proximity. Two of the dogs are fighting over a stick; the goddess has a beer.