(no subject)

Jun 11, 2011 19:21

the pieces don’t fit together so good
with all the breaking and all the gluing back

Despite his infrequent appearances in the bar, it probably doesn't create much of a stir when Rachel comes down the stairs with a red-tailed hawk perched on her arm. She doesn't seem to have much time for anyone anyway, smiling if anyone says hello but continuing on outside.

Then out toward the lake.

Then the woods.

Sneakers stop a hundred or so yards from the trees and a fashion magazine is dropped onto the grass. Rachel looks at the hawk on her arm, inhales, then breathes out sharply.

"Okay. You. Take off, hunt something, and eat it. I'll be here when you get back."

She'll be available to all others in the form of a girl sitting in the grass with a magazine, waiting for her boyfriend to come back from dinner.

[OOC: Only Rachel is available for tags. Thanks!]

tobias, rachel, x-23, tyler marlocke

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