
Jun 03, 2011 23:47

Singing a rough song from the future to the harp is surely a challenge; but not one that Teja would not be up to.

He has learned a new song, and is singing it by the lake-shore, while bringing forth notes from his harp that no harp was ever made for ( Read more... )

teja, charles monroe, bonzo madrid, the fool

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forgottenmotley June 4 2011, 01:54:26 UTC
The Fool is intrigued by the funny noise.

Okay, it's music.

But it's funny to him. He's not really much for music, but he's still curious.

So he scoots near by and sits to watch intently.


ostro_goth June 4 2011, 11:21:19 UTC
Grimly and roughly, Teja sings of of 'an anvil of honour, a hammer of blood', and then, the song is over.

Then, he launches into another song, much quieter and entirely different.

He doesn't mind the listener.


forgottenmotley June 5 2011, 19:48:07 UTC
He thinks he likes it.

They're very old songs in a way. Or at least sung in an old way. Nobody uses harps any more. At least not those style of harps. It reminds him of when the world was wilder and unknown.


ostro_goth June 5 2011, 20:35:08 UTC
"Greetings," Teja says to his listener, when his song is finished.

He is still playing but no longer singing.


forgottenmotley June 5 2011, 20:46:18 UTC
"Greetings yourself," he replies with a smile. "I haven't heard music like that in a long time."


ostro_goth June 5 2011, 21:02:31 UTC
"It is new music, but played in an old way," Teja says. "I am Teja, son of Tagila; I was the last king of the Ostrogoth in Italy died on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius in the year 552 of Christian reckoning. I have been playing the harp most of my life, and always sought to widen my repertory."


forgottenmotley June 5 2011, 21:07:34 UTC
"It's the old way I meant. And considering when you died, it makes sense."

The way he introduces himself amuses the Fool. He seems a bit serious. "I, if we're doing introductions, am the Fool, sometimes known as Alexander. I have existed since men knew how to name their fears and am made of fire cast shadows and ash. I can not play an instrument if my life depended on it."


ostro_goth June 5 2011, 21:11:49 UTC
"The Fool," Teja says. "An archetype? An anthropomorphic personification?"


forgottenmotley June 5 2011, 21:20:45 UTC
"An archetype. But not an anthropomorphic personification. I'm just wearing the human body."


ostro_goth June 5 2011, 21:31:25 UTC
"What are you, when you do not?"


forgottenmotley June 5 2011, 21:34:33 UTC
"Fire cast shadows and ash."


ostro_goth June 5 2011, 21:38:46 UTC
"So insubstantial," Teja says.


forgottenmotley June 5 2011, 23:20:33 UTC
"As fear generally is."


ostro_goth June 5 2011, 23:23:50 UTC
"I fear you not," Teja says.


forgottenmotley June 5 2011, 23:26:22 UTC
A smile twitches on his face. "You've never in your life been afraid of being made a fool? Have never been made a fool?"

Meanwhile the mun is wondering is that the Crow in the icon thar?


ostro_goth June 5 2011, 23:40:58 UTC
"I have tried to avoid that," Teja says. "And in later years, none would have dared attempt such a thing against me. I was known for utter grimness."

[[OOC: In all the icons that aren't canon drawings or alternate shapes, actually. I use Brandon Lee as Teja's PB. When I first thought of apping Teja, I scoffed at myself going, 'And who would I use as a PB for this odd charrie? Brandon Lee as The Crow, or what?' so that was it, really. If I had to cast him with a presently active actor for a movie, I'd pick Richard Armitage, but there's no law against dead PBs.]]


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