It's been a long day, but a good one. Early morning run finished just as the rain started, a big breakfast, school, club, work, a few rounds at the dojo, two monster attacks, an evening run and now, finally, Kaoru puts her key in the lock and, hand ruffling her short blue-black hair, she sighs and pushes open her front door
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Diana's voice is mild, friendly, and coming from a woman who is approaching Kaoru from a nearby table.
"And it does tend to take newcomers by surprise. I am sorry."
"What's a milliways?" Kaoru frowns and pinches her cheeks, not really sure that she isn't maybe asleep in class. Although this is more the type of dream Momoko would have; Kaoru's dreams tended to involve more tackling.
Start small and introduce the true strangeness later.
Sometimes that even works.
"An interdimensional bar, if that makes any sense?"
Though it is entirely possible that other patrons are dreaming. Diana is not in a position to say.
"Though it would be quite unwise to begin a fight here."
She finally extends a hand to the woman, a small wry grin on her face. "Matsubara Kaoru. Call me Kaoru."
Diana smiles, warm and friendly, and shakes the other woman's hand.
"I'm Diana, lately of Themyscira. I've been coming to Milliways off and on for a fair amount of time, myself."
Fewer times than she might have preferred, in some ways.
Far too many times in others.
"So you come here a lot? On purpose, or kidnapped?"
Her smile is slightly crooked, but genuine.
"Tokyo, is it? I've been there a few times. It's a lovely city."
And hard on the heels of that --
"I don't think kidnapped is the right word for it, but I do tend to stumble over doors rather than deliberately choose them."
Her voice twists a little dryly on that last word, but so it goes.
She spreads her hands.
"As for the rest -- most of us are comfortable with it, or pretending comfort, because we've been here before. And there are, indeed, some patrons who live here full-time."
And not only those that are Bound, which is -- perhaps less surprising than it could be?
Her family is used to her keeping odd hours.
Diana breaks off, looking toward the front door.
"You've tried to see if you can get back already, then?"
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