Julie Finster - PS238 - First Entrance

May 16, 2011 14:39

The front door opens and a voice can be heard calling, "Tyler?" before a little girl flies in...yes flies.

She's dressed in a white and blue costume, complete with cape and mask, and pulls up short when she sees she's somehow found the convention center's bar. Kids aren't supposed to be in bars but what if Tyler is in here? But he's a kid and so wouldn't be in here right? But what if he is lost? What if some villain dragged him in here against his will? But that's silly, what villain would be at a super hero career day? But then where's Tyler?

She nearly drops the paper card (which reads "Super Hero Career Course" if you happen to be near enough or have super sight) as her internal debate keeps her pinned. A little help?

[Tiny super tag: Julie Finster]

mordin solus, dani phantom, julie finster

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