Sam Axe/Burn Notice

May 14, 2011 19:33

      Sam walks down from room #35. Most of the time if Sam Axe is wondering in to a bar this early in the morning it’s because he’s got too much blood in his alcohol content. Or, he’s got a smashing hangover and wants a beer and tomato juice to counter it with aspirin chasers.  This morning he wants to get a special lady food.

Of course he should have put on pants and a shirt. As it is he has on his white undershirt and blue striped boxers. He’s a very confident man so this does not bother him. If it bothers you can tell him that’s quite all right, he’ll respond. How Commentary makes no promises

Leaning against the bar, he smiles as he looks at it. “Hey Doll, can I get some coffee and breakfast items please.”

A robe appears.

sam axe, clementine johnson

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