(no subject)

Apr 26, 2011 11:40

Ace finds herself to be a very busy girl these days. Between maintaining a home life in Yorkshire, dealing with an ever-more-vigilant (aka paranoid) Gallifreyan government, sorting out the more and more frequent mauve alerts, all on top of the trouble she gets into naturally... who would of thought someone with so much time could be constantly bumping up against deadlines?

So Ace, in self defense, sometimes tells all those folk to go hang for a while. That'd be why there's a small pyro sprawled on a sunny rock near the Caribbean outlet, reading something horribly trashy that she's fairly sure would offend Spoon on many levels.

Being offensive on many levels is one of the charms of trashy novels, doncha know. Besides, Mr. Billingsworth just left Amanda destitute in the street (the cad) and it was about time the hot latin stud on the cover made his appearance into the story.

ace (pyro), the doctor, axel

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