*bang!* *bang!* *bang!*Shots could be heard under the floor. Then someone flipped open a trap door against one wall, backing up a staircase, guns blazing, until there weren't any bullets left
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Clementine was impressed by both the show of artillery and amused by her...well, bemusement. She glanced over her shoulder at the woman. "You're the second person who's come in here shooting like that. The other was me." She hops off her stool and sashays over. "Welcome to Milliways."
"Thanks," Nikita said, trying to size up Clementine, and finding her mouth twitch in a half-smile again. Still on-guard, but willing to be reassured. "Yours didn't follow you in either?"
There might be a little over-the-shoulder twitch at that, just to be sure.
"No problem." Clementine's the world's most laid-back cop, much to the dismay of the higher-up brass. "I was chasing him in. He got away from me - and it was about a month ago. I never did find him on my side of the door."
Nikita couldn't help smiling a little, and relaxing slightly back into her perch. "That's a shame. I'll be just as happy if they give up and don't find me when I go back; though how I'm going to check and get away from them if the door keeps coming back here, I'm not sure."
"Sounds like you've got an interesting life back there." She shrugs. "Mine's thrilling as wheat flakes with glitter in it. But if you can still see the door? You should be able to slip back in without anyone knowing you're gone."
Nikita's shoulders relaxed, and she gave the trapdoor another quick glance, then settled into sipping her drink. "So. What city's force are you with, then?" She was betting on police, although military might be a distant possibility.
Some would say that the PO Boxes are the only reason to stop in Reno. Her smirk is confident and knowing. "It's a bar filled with eligible men and cheap food. I love it."
Clementine smirks. "I do, too. We're not really 'together' yet...but he's special." She and Sam have flirted outrageously and she's sat in his lap while they made out, so he's not exactly resisting her advances. "And it's damn good food, too. The wine is incredible."
There might be a little over-the-shoulder twitch at that, just to be sure.
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