(no subject)

Apr 06, 2011 13:54

Now that she's back in Bar, Val is playing catch up. She found the note and remains of the Doombot her uncle left her ages ago if the date on the note is correct. She's read through the notices on the board. She, also, owes notes to several people who may have missed her. Has it really been that long here?

Now she is sitting by the fire, paper and pen nearby to write those notes. First she needs to find out what happened with Dr. Doom's latest attempts at world domination and so she has stacks of newspapers and a dissertation on the political aspects all thanks to Bar. As she reads, she begins to really wonder about this realities counterpoint to her father, did he have any sort of long range plan? Cause everything she's read so far doesn't even hint at it.

"Jeez dad," she can't help saying out loud.

val von doom, sameth

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