
Apr 01, 2011 20:51

When Trowa walks into Milliways, he's wearing jeans and a turtleneck.

A second later, his outfit is much more . . . colorfulThere's the neck-ruff. And the suspenders. And the blue-and-white sleeveless shirt. And the half-mask. And the orange shoes. And the gloves ( Read more... )

quatre raberba winner, trowa barton

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04_after April 20 2011, 04:58:14 UTC
Quatre glances over to him, cheerfully, before noticing what he's wearing. There's a moment, standing at the Bar, where it seems like he might retain his composure.

Then his shoulders start shaking, as he puts the hand not holding his coffee up to guard his mouth.

Yeah. He can't help it; Trowa looks ridiculous.


3nanashi April 20 2011, 05:02:07 UTC
He gets a bland look back.

Well. Half a bland look. The other half is a mask of a big clown smile.


04_after April 20 2011, 05:03:56 UTC
Quatre pulls himself together, and arches his brows wryly at Trowa.

Or they would be wry, if his mouth wasn't still twitching regularly.


3nanashi April 20 2011, 05:10:22 UTC
Quatre has, in the course of his life, managed more convincing straight faces than that one.

Since the conversation's already started, Trowa heads thataway. Bland and deadpan!

And, you know, in giant clashing trousers and yellow turned-up shoes and a neck ruff and stuff. Bar is just that kind.


04_after April 20 2011, 05:13:46 UTC
"I take it your nostalgia is not on purpose?" Quatre half-asks, tilting his hand to the Bar to imply that if Trowa wants a drink, Quatre will get one for him.


3nanashi April 20 2011, 05:24:37 UTC
Trowa shakes his head slightly, although he doesn't seem particularly bothered by the situation. (Down deep somewhere, he's amused.)

It's a comfortable costume, if conspicuous. Besides, if Bar is forcibly costuming people, that means he'll be in good company. And it's always amusing when people assume the wrong thing. Such as that Bar is being particularly puckish with a clown outfit Trowa has certainly not worn professionally or anything.

"Maybe it's a holiday."

Quatre's gesture gets a slight shrug. Sure, why not.


04_after April 20 2011, 05:35:54 UTC
Quatre orders a decaf coffee for him.

In a half-undertone, he replies, "Well, it's a holiday I'm enjoying," cheerfully.

(Not that he's been ogling his boyfriend's muscles, or anything. Or at least, no obviously -- there's a reason one has periphereal vision, and Quatre is talented at utilizing it.)


3nanashi April 20 2011, 05:45:53 UTC
Trowa's mouth fails to twitch.

At least, so most people could see.

"Thanks," he says when the coffee appears. For the coffee. Obviously!


04_after April 20 2011, 05:51:01 UTC
Quatre half-tilts his head in acknowledgement of the thanks, and sips his own (fully-caffienated) coffee peacefully.

It's like conversation. Kind of.

(Quatre cannot get over how ridiculous Trowa's pants are. If he hadn't seen him do flips in them, he wouldn't believe it possible.)


3nanashi April 20 2011, 06:05:40 UTC
The pants strategically distract from the ridiculous of the neck-ruff! And the suspenders. And the shirt. And . . . anyway.

The Armstrong Circus believes very strongly in conspicuous performance wear, is what we're saying.

Trowa peels off the mask -- drinking coffee around it is possible, but there's no reason to make life difficult -- and has a sip. It's good to see Quatre.

Even if he is being slightly ridiculous.


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