It's been a little while since Pavel last came into the bar, and he looks...well, he looks pretty much the same, all told. He sits down at the bar and recieves a mug of tea as he lets his shoulder bag drop to between his ankles
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"You do not think I am prepared for vhat it will bring?" he asks. He has tea instead of whiskey, and the cake beside his arm isn't disappearing anytime soon; these probably don't help the image of him being a child.
"No one is. That's the point. Bad enough we don't know what we're doing half the time out there." He retorts, with no patience for the boy's injured pride.
Pavel just sighs shortly as he looks at McCoy. "I am as fit to perform my duties on a starship as you are to do yours, Lieutenant Commander McCoy," he says firmly, in English as accentless as he can make it. "Vere I not ze Admiralty would not hawe accepted me into ze Academy at my age. If it is acceptable for zem, why is it not for you?"
"Because the Admiralty couldn't find its collective asses with both hands and a flashlight." McCoy snorts, unimpressed. He's not exactly... respectful of command, even on the best of days.
"Luckily I do not seem to hawe zis problem," he says. "I am smart enough to be taking senior-lewel courses two years before most people apply ze first time. Vhat is it zat I will be learning in two years zat I do not know now?"
His own parents were willing to let him live halfway around the world, alone, to study for something they knew could very well be fatally dangerous. And Pavel says as much, with the addendum of: "Eweryone is accepting of zis, but you. Why?"
"Maybe I'm not so hard up for the approval of child geniuses." Maybe he just knows that even an older Chekov will get into plenty of trouble without having to go so early.
"You know what? I think it does, surprisingly well." McCoy knocks back the remainder of his whiskey in a manner Olga would approve of, and taps the Bar for a refill.
It won't dissuade him, regrettably; Pavel has run into his version of Leonard McCoy already--and he had a disturbingly similar attitude to his age, though he was somewhat closer to it that the man sitting beside him now.
But it definitely has something to do with 'those God-damned idiots at StarFleet Command have lost their minds'. Yup.
"Vhat have zey done now?"
He saw that cake.
Unimpressed McCoy is unimpressed.
His own parents were willing to let him live halfway around the world, alone, to study for something they knew could very well be fatally dangerous. And Pavel says as much, with the addendum of: "Eweryone is accepting of zis, but you. Why?"
It won't dissuade him, regrettably; Pavel has run into his version of Leonard McCoy already--and he had a disturbingly similar attitude to his age, though he was somewhat closer to it that the man sitting beside him now.
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