(no subject)

Mar 10, 2011 10:09

The Milliways door is very, very good at accommodating patrons, although usually it's better about doing so when they're leaving. Generally, the door on the other side stays about the same in size, which is why when the door opens this time it's temporarily darkened- the individual trying to come through is bigger than the homebuilder reckoned on. We're talking eight or nine feet tall and seriously broad in the shoulder region versus an ordinary just-high-enough-for-tall-humans kind of door here.

Oh, and green. The yellow-green skin should be fairly obvious. There's the tattered remains of blue and gold clothing, but it was clearly sized for someone a lot smaller, and probably not that color of green.

At any rate, the new arrival eventually manages to get through the door and straighten up- and up, and up- and then ... stares. Just stares. Being eight or nine feet tall and stuffed with ten feet worth of muscles doesn't really prepare you for an experience like this.

One massive hand reaches up and back to rest on the handle of the hammerlike weapon slung across the new arrival's back. Just in case.

she-hulk, fawkes, jordan kennedy, tyler marlocke, rem

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