Data is over by the fireplace, playing the violin. Spot is curled up next to him, looking very comfortable.
It is the first violin part to Bach's
Air on a G String, if anyone is curious.
Botherable, as always. Feel free to interrupt, or wait until he is finished playing.
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He doesn't volunteer this fact. But he is listening. The strange man* plays pretty well.
*Presumably-man. This is Milliways, and his coloring and bearing are both rather strange. It's not sufficient evidence to conclude non-human, but Trowa keeps an open mind about these things.
And then returns to playing.
Trowa is amiable! Laconic, but amiable.
And not inclined to interrupt.
When the piece does end, his brows furrow for a moment, and he shakes his head once. But then he turns to Trowa with a distinctly friendly expression.
"Thank you for listening. I always appreciate having an audience," he says. "I do not believe we have met before."
His expression . . . well, pretty much isn't one, but his voice is friendly too, in a deadpan kind of way.
Trowa inclines his head slightly in answer.
Frequently, for classical music. Pop music is a lot more hit and miss.
He's gotten a lot of familiarity with the bouncy pop music of his world, like it or not, from his sister's taste in music-to-clean-by. But Bach is more his style.
(Quatre reinforces this, but is not the original cause of it.)
"Do you play any instruments?"
Trowa doesn't get asked that directly very often. (This is because some people like to chatter without direct questions, and other people get put off by Trowa's unhelpful manner.) He sees no particular reason to lie, though.
Accordingly: "Yeah."
Because even Trowa is not quite that unhelpful, or at least recognizes that it will be interpreted as deliberate unhelpfulness, he adds, "Mostly flute."
"Are you quite accomplished at it?"
And he's always been a quick learner. And a quietly stubborn one.
"I'm all right."
Not professional quality, the mun adds to this, but he is solidly good for an amateur with a day job.
Either is valid.
And sometimes he plays with friends, but that's . . . kind of private. (Mostly because it involves emotions, and Trowa is allergic to talking even peripherally about those.)
His day job involves performance! But acrobatics, which matter less. And lions and having knives thrown at his head, of course.
"How about you?"
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