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childofathos December 16 2010, 22:22:27 UTC
There's something familiar about the man who walks into the bar, and something more familiar about his voice. Teyla has seen a number of strange things in the bar and as many if not more back home, but she's still slightly uncertain how to handle this situation.

If nothing else, it's clear this man who may or may not be John is in some distress, and she knows all too well what it's like to be Bound, so after a moment's hesitation, she approaches.

"Is everything all right?"


bloody_awful December 16 2010, 22:32:17 UTC
John spins to face her, stops and smiles. "Hello, sweetheart. Looking at you, I'd say things are better than all right."

His voice is minus a few decades of smoke and whiskey, and the accent is heavier, but the bullshit charm is at the top of his form.


childofathos December 16 2010, 22:36:41 UTC
That certainly clears up a few questions about his identity, and Teyla can't help smiling in return, though she cautiously asks, "Do you know me?"


bloody_awful December 16 2010, 22:45:51 UTC
"I'd certainly like to," he says, and the grin gets just a bit more provocative. "Name's John, but you can call me the man of your dreams."


childofathos December 16 2010, 22:57:04 UTC
She only just holds back from rolling her eyes at his introduction.

"I am Teyla Emmagan, John."


bloody_awful December 16 2010, 23:00:15 UTC
"Pleasure's all mine, sweetheart," John says. "I'd offer you a drink, but I'm, ah, a bit short at the moment..."

Yes, he's just met her and he's trying to scam a drink. Oh, John...


childofathos December 16 2010, 23:03:51 UTC
Lucky for him, she has a soft spot for men she's met who haven't yet met her?

"Then allow me." And she'll lead him to the bar and order him a Guinness and herself a spiced ale.


bloody_awful December 16 2010, 23:15:37 UTC
"Ta, sweethe--Teyla," he says. "That's very hospitable of you."

When she orders him a Guinness, he smiles. "You're either a lucky guesser or you have brilliant taste in beer."


childofathos December 16 2010, 23:18:48 UTC
"Why can it not be both?" she asks with a smirk, taking a long drink from her ale.

"Is this your first visit to Milliways?"


bloody_awful December 16 2010, 23:27:09 UTC
"You may be the woman of *my* dreams," John grins. "Milliways, then? Last thing I recall I was in the bog at the Roxy. If someone slipped something into my drink, I hope I never wake up, because you're the loveliest hallucination I've ever had."


childofathos December 16 2010, 23:31:43 UTC
"I have a feeling your dreams would conjure up another sort of woman, John," Teyla teases, almost affectionately.

"But this is not a hallucination. It is the bar at the end of the universe."


bloody_awful December 16 2010, 23:40:58 UTC
"S'truth?" he asks, looking at her until he seems to accept that she's telling the truth. A bit nervously, he asks, "Ah... do you know where the door is?"


childofathos December 16 2010, 23:43:57 UTC
"You cannot see it?" She'd suspected as much, but it doesn't hurt to be certain.


bloody_awful December 16 2010, 23:58:01 UTC
"You can? It's just me, then? Bloody hell!"


childofathos December 17 2010, 00:03:27 UTC
She reaches a hand across, touching his arm lightly. "It has been known to happen. It simply means that you are here until such time as the Landlord chooses to release you back to your home.

"If it is any comfort, time does not move on the other side of the door while you are here."


bloody_awful December 17 2010, 00:15:50 UTC
"Landlord? Who's he? If I find him I can get him to open the door."


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