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theviralsource December 16 2010, 21:49:05 UTC
There's a guy in the corner of the room. He's wearing a hoodie and staring at the newcomer with a grim expression. Yup, that's how it happened too. Well, with less of a Liverpool accent, and different swear words.


bloody_awful December 16 2010, 21:52:32 UTC
There are lots of people in the bar, and the guy with the hoodie looks "normal" by human standards. John doesn't even notice him.


theviralsource December 16 2010, 22:31:20 UTC
Well, for someone who's used to the strange and unusual, John should notice him. Especially if he was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Alex's arms emitting strange red and black vines from his arms.

John really should take notice.


bloody_awful December 16 2010, 22:48:19 UTC
Unless they're moving, they're just tattoos. But what the hey; John looks around and notices him. What now? ;)


theviralsource December 16 2010, 22:58:48 UTC
Oh yeah, they're moving. Besides, Alex doesn't have any tattoos (that we know of) and he's wearing a black, long sleeved leather jacket.

"If that really worked," he finally speaks once the angered brit looks his way, "then none of us would be here trying to make the best of this situation."


bloody_awful December 16 2010, 23:04:13 UTC
John's eyes flicker to the vines on his arms, then back to the window, then back to the "man" who spoke to him. "So, where's here, then, and what's the situation? Last thing I knew I was in the bog at the Roxy. If this is a hallucination, it's a bloody good one."


theviralsource December 16 2010, 23:17:19 UTC
"Hallucination would be a better explanation," a pause, "but rumor has it this bar is a gateway for multiple worlds," he finishes deadpan.

"Just arrived here myself. Trying to make the best out of the fact I can't leave the damn place," there's a tint of anger in his voice.


bloody_awful December 16 2010, 23:22:03 UTC
John nods. "Now we're getting somewhere. You're stuck here? Did the door disappear on you too?" He gestures at the empty chair at Alex's table. "Mind if I sit, mate? M'name's John, and I think we have things to discuss."


theviralsource December 16 2010, 23:43:53 UTC
"Not the first time I came here, but yeah, eventually the place locked me in after it figured it liked me," he replies and nods a brief 'yes' in response to John asking if he can sit at the table. "Alex."

He doesn't know what John wants to discuss-Alex has yet to learn about the many surprises of Milliways, so he doesn't have much information to offer-but a conversation is a conversation.


bloody_awful December 16 2010, 23:52:52 UTC
"Pleasure's mine, Alex," John says, sitting. "So." He starts ticking off on his fingers. "Not a hallucination. Gateway between worlds. Once you're in, you can't get out." Looking up at Alex, he asks, "If it's a gate between worlds, what good is it if you can't leave?"


theviralsource December 17 2010, 00:06:42 UTC
"Sounds like the plot to a bad movie doesn't it?" He jokes, then shrugs, "You might want to ask the bar that, cause I'm still trying to figure it out. If I drank, I'd say this would be the perfect spot to hang out, but I don't drink."


bloody_awful December 17 2010, 00:21:44 UTC
"Ask the bar?" He looks over to see there's nobody behind the bar. "Barman's on break. I'll ask him when he gets back. Too bad you don't drink, I'd buy you one."

... which is a total lie, as John is flat broke, but since Alex doesn't drink, it's the thought that counts.


theviralsource December 17 2010, 00:35:41 UTC
"The bar, the employees, someone who knows a thing or two about what's going on." Granted, the bar was responsible for their entrapment; it wasn't possible the building itself was sentient and capable of making such decisions as it? "Good luck finding anything that hasn't already been said though. I've been looking for answers since I got here."

It's a nice thought indeed. "Save it for someone who needs it."


bloody_awful December 17 2010, 00:49:54 UTC
"Thanks then, mate." John stands. "If I get more info, I'll share if you will, all right? We'll crack this thing yet."


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