(no subject)

Dec 06, 2010 05:29

[OOM: Coping Mechanisms]

Travis cannot, he's learned rather suddenly, sleep in an empty flat. The flat is not completely empty, and it has not been the first time Nicholas wasn't in his own room, grinding his teeth loudly enough for Travis to hear through the door, but everything about it just feels wrong now. It's the absence of both Nicholas and the countless jade figures in the front room. It's the silence that comes from not having that goddamn annoying dehumidifier running. It's not having to listen to Nicholas getting up and down twenty fucking times before finally deciding that all is well and he can go to bed.

Travis never realised it would be so hard to sleep when he wasn't being annoyed to all hell.

Eventually, he gives up. Wearing a fairly boring set of pyjama bottoms and a vest, he drags in a duvet with a matching pillow and wanders over to the sofa where he sets up camp. This place is always full of people and always rather noisy, so maybe he can actually get some sleep. Completely not caring that someone else might like to maybe sit on the sofa, he sprawls out in a way that shows off a rather startling tattoo, and tries not to think about anything.

Feel free to make fun of his rather odd choice of designs, or get after him for taking up the entire sofa. Or both.

Fake Tags: Jordan Kennedy, Travis Martin

sirona, oom, nicholas angel, guppy sandhu, vergil the engineer

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