(no subject)

Nov 08, 2010 22:35

[Sometime after the conclusion of this (still-in-progress) thread.]

A soaking-wet Bella Swan trudges downstairs, having taken the time to quickly dry off enough to compose a letter without dripping onto it and hang up her coat to dry out upstairs. She's still faintly shivering, though she can't really tell if that's from having stood outside for ten minutes in the pouring rain, or from the shock of finding out that her best friend is a freaking werewolf.

She leaves the following letter with Bar:


Jacob is a werewolf!!!

And he knows what you are.

I have no idea what to do.

Please, please, please advise. I am freaking out. I don't have anyone else that I can talk to about this without betraying someone's secret. I can't do this alone.

- Bella

Her letter delivered, she glares at Bar as though it were her fault that none of the others had been answered.

"Can you make sure she gets this? Please?"

That done, she momentarily contemplates going home, but absolutely does not feel up to coping with her normal life at this exact second, so she heads back upstairs. A night in Milliways couldn't be any worse than a night at home.

[Mainly here for Alice's reaction, but if you really want to catch a cranky Bella on her way upstairs, go for it!]

alice cullen, notes, bella swan

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