
Nov 05, 2010 19:39

There's the roar of an engine coming from somewhere near the forest. It's a deep, throaty sound and soon accompanied by the squeal of tyres though at first, there's nothing to be seen.

Until there is.

Out of nowhere, a car appears. It's big and bronze and makes a hell of a racket. But possibly not as much of one as Gene.

'...bloody 'ell is goin' on!'

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trudy chacon, ironhide, guppy sandhu, sameth, kate barlow, ben grimm, gene hunt, sam tyler, oom, urquhart

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findthegeck November 5 2010, 21:22:27 UTC
Sativa is out in the garden tending to her little plot, wearing her loosely-fastened Vault-suit because she doesn't want to get her 'good' leather gear dirty. The Xander roots are coming along nicely, and the Broc flowers are starting to bloom and great spirits speeding car going by speedily.

After a moment she rises to her feet, brushing specks of earth off of her, and approaches the now-stationery vehicle to see who this amazing driver is.


No, seriously. Potential brush with death aside, that was impressive.


themanclion November 5 2010, 21:29:36 UTC
He'd be unbearably, insufferably pleased to hear that. As it is, he just grins out of the window at the woman, then nudges Kate.

'See? There's a bird who knows how t'appreciate a bloke's skills.'

Of course, he could have misinterpreted that 'wow' but he believes his driving to be brilliant, so doesn't think so.

'Alrigh', luv? Didn' get ya, did I?'

(She's not dead, so presumably not. But still.)


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 21:34:29 UTC
"She wasn't inside here with you."

Though, the fact that Gene hasn't killed somebody yet is, without a doubt, impressive. She'll give him that.


findthegeck November 5 2010, 21:50:59 UTC
"No, I'm okay. And my plants are unharmed," she feels worth mentioning.

"That part where you spun around and came to a stop backwards - I did that once, although kind of by accident." Because he meant to do that, right?

She's also had the experience of passengers less appreciative of your driving, even if that once tree is nowhere you. "Everyone all right in there?"


themanclion November 5 2010, 21:57:49 UTC
'Never come across a lass who knew how t'handle a car before.'

He actually did mean to do it. Handbrake turns are his normal way of going around corners. They're far more fun than doing anything as mundane as simply slowing down and turning the wheel.

'...you see any plants?' he mutters to Kate, out of the corner of his mouth. He sure as hell didn't.


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 22:06:02 UTC
Her voice hovers under a whisper.

"I didn't see much of anythin', 'sides my life flashin' before my eyes."

She glances out the window and smiles at Sativa.

"Still kickin'. Glad y'didn't get hurt."


findthegeck November 5 2010, 22:21:25 UTC
"It's taken some practice," she admits. "Luckily there have been people around here to give lessons. It's a very rare skill back home." Almost nonexistent, you might say.

She nods, returning the smile. "No harm done."

Sativa is hard-pressed to recognise Kate since when they last spoke she had a penis was a he at the time.


themanclion November 5 2010, 22:36:55 UTC
Gene gets out of the car, completely ignoring the mud sticking itself to his shoes. He just leans against the door and pulls his fags out, then suddenly turns and bends down to talk to Kate through the window.

'You comin', or what?'

That sorted, he looks back at the woman.

'You from some bloody awful place wi' no cars then? Dunno how folk do it.'

Seriously. Is life without a car actually worth living?


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 23:08:21 UTC

It's muttered to herself more than anything. She exits the vehicle, carefully stepping around the mud. It hasn't occurred to her yet why Sativa wouldn't recognize him her.

"We manage jus' fine, Gene. And less gardens get ruined, I'd daresay."


findthegeck November 5 2010, 23:33:00 UTC
She looks Kate over, making sure the woman is okay.

There is something about the voice, though...

"None that work anymore, apart from the one I got ownership of. There's not a lot in all those wrecks you can restore," she replies with a shrug. "Most people walk if there's anywhere they need to go. Caravan routes are safest." Comparatively.


themanclion November 5 2010, 23:36:35 UTC
'Soun's pretty shit, luv.'

He's never been one to mince words. He does hold out a hand though.

'Gene Hunt. An' don' listen to Madam over there. I 'aven't got anythin' against gardens, as long as I don' 'ave t'mow the grass.'


ikissdhimbck November 5 2010, 23:39:52 UTC
"Yes, because when I think Gene Hunt, I think tomato plants and straw hats."

She smirks at him, diamond sharp.

"S'been a while, Sativa. How'd your Cubefall go?"


findthegeck November 6 2010, 00:10:37 UTC
"It takes a bit of hardiness to get by," she says. "And good weapons help sometimes."

She blinks. Okay, that's gotten some gears turning, and she can remember talking with a few people at that time. "I thought the accent was familiar." She clicks her fingers. "...Kate, right? Sorry, you were... looking a little different then." With Gene present it's probably best not to divulge Too Much Information. "It was... interesting."

She nods at the man. "I am Sativa, like she said. And I appreciate that you be mindful of the toils of others." Which is to say nicely: awesome driving, both thumbs up, just do it a little bit more to the side, thanks.


themanclion November 6 2010, 00:46:27 UTC
'Mindful to th' toils of others?'


'You mean; 'please don' crush th' geraniums'? S'winter luv, everythin'll be dead soon anyway.'

This is obviously justification enough for driving a car over everything in sight.


ikissdhimbck November 6 2010, 01:12:28 UTC
"Interestin's a good word for it," she chuckles. "Sorry. Wasn't thinkin' 'bout how different I must look t'you."


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