A long, long, long time ago -- months and months and months -- Anna met The Man Who Likes Cake and Pie. And he gave her a
present -- a little vial of something that would make any paint she added it to the right kind of paint for painting flowers.
And she has not forgotten about it, she has just been saving it.
Using it at home would probably lead to getting in trouble, and people asking lots of questions and then telling her they didn't believe her even though she was telling the truth, which is very annoying. So, after very careful consideration, she has brought it back to Milliways.
She has gotten three small pots of paint (red, blue, and yellow, because if you have red, blue, and yellow, you can make all sorts of other colors) and paintbrushes and a palatte and a cup of water (for cleaning the brushes) and a thermos of hot chocolate (for drinking) from Bar. And then she has carefully mixed the contents of the vial into the three pots of paint.
And so the late afternoon finds Anna lying on her stomach outside at the end of the universe. She is painting blades of grass in various colors, because she didn't see any roses, and because roses are really very pretty already whereas grass is all one color and that must get very boring for it.
It's really very pretty!