
Sep 21, 2010 10:23

Certain times of year are busier than others, in the Warehouse. Not necessarily holidays, as one might expect. Oh, sure, there tends to be a spike in Artifact activity around Halloween, Christmas, and a few saints' days--but there's also one when Mercury is in retrograde, and when the third moon of Saturn is aligned with the Vermillion Bird of the Read more... )

artie nielsen

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doesntsaymuch September 21 2010, 17:42:06 UTC
Teller knows that it's just a matter of time before people start to figure out who the big, loud new guy is, and more importantly who he associates with.

So here's Teller, pre-emptively making an effort to come off as the more friendly of the two. Sure, it may be a little difficult with some of people he's already managed to piss off and/or annoy, but he's got several boxes of doughnuts to show that he's at least making an effort.

Here you go, Artie. Have two, if you want.


doyousmellfudge September 21 2010, 18:08:14 UTC

Artie finds himself torn. On the one hand, he's slightly suspicious of any free food, particularly here in Milliways; he's heard stories about such things. On the other hand, donuts.


doesntsaymuch September 21 2010, 18:12:02 UTC

They're perfectly safe. Teller even demonstrates this by eating one.

He's going to gain thirty pounds at this rate, if he has to prove to everyone that they're just doughnuts.

He would, however, advise Artie not to accept free food from the other guy that dresses like him. If he were inclined to advise people of anything, that is.


doyousmellfudge September 21 2010, 18:16:55 UTC
Sorry, Teller, you're dealing with a man for whom paranoia is a way of life. It's the reason he's survived this long.

Artie hesitates a moment longer before grabbing a glazed donut and taking a big bite.


doesntsaymuch September 21 2010, 18:21:40 UTC
See? Perfectly safe! Artie won't melt or anything.

The doughnuts are from a small bakery between his apartment and his shop. Although, now that the shop is closed, the bakery is just a few blocks from his apartment.


doyousmellfudge September 21 2010, 18:25:34 UTC
"What's the occasion?" asks Artie around a mouthful of doughnut.


doesntsaymuch September 21 2010, 18:28:28 UTC
Teller shakes his head.

No occasion (officially). Just offering free food out of the goodness of his heart.

You believe him, right, Artie?


doyousmellfudge September 21 2010, 18:32:32 UTC
Suuuuure he does.

"No, seriously."


doesntsaymuch September 21 2010, 18:37:35 UTC

Teller pulls his business card from nowhere and hands it to Artie.

He points at the highlighted name, and then at himself. And then a few moments later, he points at the other name, and while rolling his eyes, points at the ground.

Apparently, he is not completely thrilled about Penn showing up. And neither will most people, if his suspicions are correct.


doyousmellfudge September 21 2010, 19:09:57 UTC
Artie reads the card, then looks up at Teller with a quirked eyebrow.

"Not exactly overjoyed about your partner finding the place?"

He can relate to that.


doesntsaymuch September 21 2010, 19:11:53 UTC
He sighs and shakes his head.

Sure, it's sort of useful, in some situations. But Penn coming here means that people will undoubtedly see them as being the same person, just split into two different bodies.

He suspects it's already happened in a few cases.


doyousmellfudge September 21 2010, 19:16:09 UTC
Careful, Teller, you'll give the muns Ideas with talk like that.

"I can relate to that," says Artie. "And while we're on the subject, if you see a redhaired girl about yea tall who dresses like a thrift store fell on her? She needs to get back to work."


doesntsaymuch September 21 2010, 19:21:07 UTC
Gene Hunt is already leading that belief in force.

Teller laughs, though. It's rather how he'd describe Penn, when he dresses casually. He nods, and gives Artie a thumbs-up.

Not that... he'd tell her to get back to work, or anything. He'd far more likely just distract her further.


doyousmellfudge September 21 2010, 19:32:57 UTC
Actually, the mun is thinking of a slightly more literal interpretation.

The mun is weird.

"Oh, by the way..." He offers a hand to shake. "My name's Artie. I don't have a card or anything, sorry."

He does have his Secret Service star, but it's buried in his bag somewhere.


doesntsaymuch September 21 2010, 19:36:03 UTC
Oh, lord.

Teller takes his hand, shaking it with a friendly smile.

Pleased to meet you, Artie, his smile says.

See, he's really not all that scary. They just got off on the wrong foot, clearly. Apparently, people just don't like spiders, for whatever odd reason.


doyousmellfudge September 21 2010, 19:57:45 UTC
"See, now? This is how you're supposed to introduce yourself."


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