[OOM: It's the season of scars and of wounds in the heart
Of feeling the full weight of our burdens
It's the season of bowing our heads in the wind
And knowing we are not alone in fear
Not alone in the dark]
The door opens, and Jack walks in with a blast of cold air at his back. He'll look a little different to anyone who knows him; his hair a little longer, a short beard on his chin. Mostly, however, they'll probably notice his shuffling gait, pale skin and slumped shoulders.
It takes a second for Jack to look up, and he blinks with fatigue for a moment until his surroundings actually register.
It's been a long nine months for him outside, but just when he thought he'd never see Milliways again, here it is.
With a sigh that's almost relieved, he turns and closes the door before making his way over to the bar. Right now, all he wants is his key and some cold medicine, and then sleep. Lots and lots of sleep.
Though it might help if he takes a seat for a moment and rests before tackling the stairs.
[ooc: should get to bed in about an hour but I really wanted to get Jack back in and this is open until his next appearance in the bar so go ahead and tag!
eta: okay seriously, self, get to bed. Totally up for slowtimes though!]