First Entrance - Jessica Drew

Aug 25, 2010 12:10

[OOM: Flight 123 from Calcutta arriving at Gate 2...]

Arguably the best instinct any spy, private detective or undercover cop can have is to blend in and the woman who just walked in from the front door knows this all too well. She also knows there is no way this is an airport bar in Madripoor. You wouldn't know it by her reaction though. All she does is re-adjust her backpack and shift her stance a bit, which covers the fact she just hip-checked the front door to confirm what her ears have already told her. The door she walked through is gone.

Blend in.

She looks around a bit and then heads to a table like this is nothing new and grabs a seat. The backpack goes on the table within easy reach. She checks her watch; beats of red with the green. (Great aliens.) and then nearly starts when a waitrat appears to take her order. She waits a fraction of second too long before ordering, "Tea. Oolong if you have it." (Great. This is either something cosmic or magic. I hope it's not cosmic.)

The rat nods and scurries away leaving the woman to look around. She rubs her eyes (Just a tired tourist, nothing to see here.) and focuses her hearing on her environment. Heightened hearing is a bit of a curse in a crowded room but she picks up snatches of things..."Fu@# Milliways"..."Every fifteen minutes or so"..."End of the Universe"..."Your world"....(Great it's cosmic. Can't I at least check into my hotel before the weird stuff happens?"

Blend in.....

[tiny tag: Jessica Drew]

vic sage, oom

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