
Aug 02, 2010 14:58

(OOM: Cata takes an assignment that doesn't quite go according to plan.)Cata made it down to an alley before trying any doors; thankfully, this one worked the way she was hoping it would. Just because it doesn't hurt all that much doesn't make it any less serious, and from that perspective, Milliways is closer ( Read more... )

a blu medic, cata, oom

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newgoldenage August 2 2010, 22:10:42 UTC
....that does look bad.

Luke comes over, frowning. "Miss?" he asks even as he shifts to get a better look at the wound. "Would you like some help?"

He's seen kids hurt like this before. Some monsters are smart enough to make weapons, and use them to deadly effect.


post_whitewash August 2 2010, 22:17:19 UTC
Cata eyes the boy for a moment - she doesn't know him, and she's not inclined to trust people very easily. But this is something of a crisis, so she can't be very picky.
"If it wouldn't be an inconvenience," she says. It would be best if she could get this patched up before she loses too much blood, after all.


newgoldenage August 2 2010, 22:25:22 UTC
"Don't really have anywhere else to be," he mutters to himself as he examines the dagger. It's wedged in tight, but he thinks he might be able to get it out without causing too much damage.

In a flash, he dashes to the Bar and is back with a first-aid kit. Back home he'd be looking for some nectar and ambrosia, but he doesn't know if this woman could stand them.

As he starts working on the dagger, he asks "So is this a typical day for you, or did something go seriously wrong?"


post_whitewash August 2 2010, 22:36:27 UTC
Probably a good idea. She's an assassin, which does have some perks on her world, but she's no demigod.
"Sort of a combination of the two. Time was I could avoid this sort of thing, and as it was, it could have been much worse."
She winces a bit as he sets to work on the dagger. Having a high pain tolerance hardly means it doesn't hurt at all.


newgoldenage August 2 2010, 22:42:56 UTC
He finally manages to get it out and sets it on the ground delicately. Then he goes to work with disinfectant and gauze.

"Just a little too slow, eh? I know the feeling."

The scar below his right eye distorts his sad smile into something more sinister.


post_whitewash August 2 2010, 22:49:29 UTC
The disinfectant stings a bit more, and isn't quite something she's familiar with. But she does know there are medicines here that her world doesn't have (which may or may not have been part of her reasoning for coming in).
"I did what I set out to do, at least, and I'm not dead."
Granted, if she were, she would have gone down in her right mind, and that would've counted for something. As it is, though, she prefers living through it. Dying on assignment from something like this would just be embarrassing.


newgoldenage August 2 2010, 22:54:21 UTC
"Is this the part where you tell me I should see the other guy, then?"

It's said absently, as he makes sure the bandage is firmly tied down.


post_whitewash August 2 2010, 22:58:17 UTC
"I could, if you'd like, but this was thanks to the other fellow's company. I wouldn't have had time to do anything to him even without this."
Besides, it wasn't part of the contract. Rules are rules.


newgoldenage August 2 2010, 23:17:35 UTC
"I know what you mean. It's the guy's friends you've always got to watch out for."

Or the dragon's other heads, in Luke's case.


post_whitewash August 2 2010, 23:47:49 UTC
Cata shrugs her good shoulder (no point in even trying anything with the other one, right now). "I would have preferred to wait, but I wasn't going to get another chance to take my shot. Now I know for next time, I suppose."
She suspects she'll be better off sticking to the contracts where people don't mind poisons, from here on out.


newgoldenage August 2 2010, 23:58:15 UTC
"Yeah," he says quietly as he finishes tying off the bandage. "You've got to go with what works, in the end."

It's said in a faintly wistful tone.

"I'm Luke, by the way."


post_whitewash August 3 2010, 00:30:45 UTC
"Call me Cata. And thank you for your help."


newgoldenage August 5 2010, 02:39:14 UTC

Honestly compels him to add "It'd probably be best if you get a professional to look at it. I can do a decent patch-up, but a doctor would probably be best."

Or a child of Asclepius, but they're rare even in Luke's world.

And because he's become curious about the bar and the people it attracts, he asks "So what kind of job regularly puts you at risk from knife-throwing friends?"

There's no judgment in his tone.


post_whitewash August 5 2010, 14:12:56 UTC
"That was part of my idea in coming here." The Guild's healers are some of the best in her world, but... well. Her first thought was to find someone she trusts, and in regards to medical attention, Milliways is the only place she can do that.
She smiles a little at his question. "I'm an assassin. I wouldn't say I'm quite regularly at this sort of risk, but it is a hazard of the job."


newgoldenage August 5 2010, 18:55:16 UTC
"Assassin, huh? You from Earth?"

He's wondering if Kronos might appreciate a little recruiting on the sly.

Assuming he could afford her, of course.


post_whitewash August 5 2010, 20:41:20 UTC
"No. If my world's got a name, I don't know it. Sam said Mizzamir tried to give it a name, but I wouldnt' take his suggestion."
Possibly of interest: Having to bring up Mizzamir's name draws more of a scowl out of Cata than any part of the first-aid process.


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