
Jul 20, 2010 17:47

" -- out of here! Let me out of h -- "

Apparently DI Sam Tyler was not expecting the door to give way, no matter how hard he was shoving at it.

It means that once it does open, he goes sprawling, catching himself on hands and knees and taking a deep breath.

Okay, two deep breaths ( Read more... )

gene hunt, sam tyler

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newgoldenage July 20 2010, 21:57:24 UTC
Luke is passing by on his way to the back door when he notices the other man go sprawling. He heads over, curious, and gets there just in time to get a full view of the corridor.

"So you finally go it to listen, huh? Lucky." He remembers what Bonzo said about getting into other worlds if invited. Bending over, he offers his hand with a smile. "I'm Luke. I tried for an hour yesterday to get it open. What's your secret?"


di_or_dci July 20 2010, 22:05:58 UTC

Sam huffs out a sharp bark of laughter, shaking his head at the same time he reaches out to shake Luke's hand.

"Mate, you have no idea. M' name's Sam. Sam Tyler -- DI."


newgoldenage July 20 2010, 22:17:56 UTC
"Nice to meet you, Sam. And yeah, given what I've seen of this place you've probably got some secrets I can't even imagine." He darts a quick glance at the door to see if he can make out what's on the other side, but it's already firmly shut.

"DI?" Luke's learned about a lot of things in the past eight years; British law enforcement isn't one of them.


di_or_dci July 20 2010, 22:19:50 UTC
"Detective Inspector," Sam explains. "Not that it means much in here."

He doesn't bother looking over his shoulder at the now-closed door. There's a lot back there that he does not want to think about.

At all.


newgoldenage July 20 2010, 22:23:21 UTC
"So you're a policeman? I'd imagine that's the kind of work that doesn't really stop, no matter where you are."

His certainly doesn't. Although his is a tad bit more on the shady side of the law, to put it mildly.

"Or so the cop shows tell me," he adds with a grin.


di_or_dci July 20 2010, 22:43:13 UTC
"The mindset's not a thing you can get rid of, and I wouldn't want to. But there's a little thing called jurisdiction."

He cracks a slight smile.

"Makes nicking anyone in here a mite difficult."


newgoldenage July 20 2010, 23:05:16 UTC
Hard-to-shake mindsets are something that Luke definitely has experience with.

"I hear you. Of course, that brings up the question of who does have jurisdiction around here..." It's just one of the many questions he's been pondering after figuring out that he was stuck. "Do you have any idea? I've only been here a day or so, and haven't quite had the chance to ask people about it."

He's had other things on his mind. Like escaping as soon as possible.


di_or_dci July 20 2010, 23:11:34 UTC
"'fraid I can't help you, mate. I've only been in here once before, myself."

Though he did hear about Security from the woman named Olga.

"Security's something I've heard about but not seen."


newgoldenage July 20 2010, 23:20:54 UTC
"Security? They'd need to be a pretty tough group to keep the peace around here."

If they are, he'll have to re-learn how to keep his hands to himself. So many shiny things lying around have been looking mighty tempting lately.

He finds his eyes drifting back to the stubborn, uselessly closed door. "So you swear you don't know how you got that thing open?" It's lightly said, but he's starting to feel a little desperate.


di_or_dci July 20 2010, 23:25:17 UTC
"That's something else I wouldn't know about."

He sounds a little wry with that one.

"Either bit, really. You having trouble getting here or getting out?"


newgoldenage July 20 2010, 23:29:48 UTC
"Oh, it wasn't any trouble getting here. Just stepped in through the front door of my cabin and suddenly I was looking at the end of the universe. It's getting the front door to let me out again that's the problem." He's sizing it up, looking for any obvious locks or panels he might have missed. "Is it something you have to say? 'Open Sesame' or something like that?"

Stranger things have happened. Often in the world he just left behind.


di_or_dci July 20 2010, 23:45:55 UTC
"Buggered if I know. Might as well be magic. You know there's people around here that actually do that, right?"

He's met one.

Possibly more than one, now that he thinks about it.


newgoldenage July 21 2010, 00:02:08 UTC
Magic. Great. That's the province of Hectate's children, and both of the unclaimed campers who might have been hers that he's met gave Luke the creeps.

"I'd gotten the impression. Still weirds me out something fierce, though. I'll admit I was just hoping you needed the right set of magic words or lockpicks or something like that."

He turns back to Sam and grins. If the bar's so bent on keeping him trapped, he might as well use the time to make allies. Maybe get a feel for how they might help him in the long run. "So what do you make of the place so far, Inspector?"


di_or_dci July 21 2010, 00:05:14 UTC
"If it's all the same to you, I'm pretty sure all of this is just a figment of my imagination."

Considering that it's populated by other figments of the part of his brain that looks like Manchester --

It's not that great a stretch.


newgoldenage July 21 2010, 00:07:36 UTC
"Well, if it helps, I woke up feeling pretty solid and non-dreamlike this morning."

This is said very, very dryly.


di_or_dci July 21 2010, 00:12:30 UTC
"So did I."

Sam will see Luke's dryness and raise him twenty.

"It doesn't keep anything making more sense. So you know."


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