(no subject)

Jul 18, 2010 18:31

It's really rather perplexing how transient the Front Door in Milliways is. Especially to the Bound. One day, it's not there, another day it is. And you're so excited to go home and everything's back to normal with your normal life and your normal flatmates and your normal girlfriend.

Only there's nothing normal in your life. Hasn't been for the past few years, and maybe you're finally accepting it. Until problems pile up at your door because the big bad wolf just has to take a bite. Or a few, and tear one vampire leader apart.

And his followers really don't fancy to such shenanigans, and further more your girlfriend saw your flatmates holding the door shut. Worse still she saw you, saw what was really inside. A killer. All the words, all the secrets falling away. And yet, you still don't know just how far you dragged her into your world. Where now her world isn't normal either.

But you don't get it. Not yet. There's just annoyances, frustration, and anger. Especially anger till you're almost ready to snap.

This was how George left the bar and then returned. Panting a little, his nose still full of one vampire's perfume. He scowled and straightened his clothes. Right then, a quick check to confirm the door is still there, thank you oh so much. Then, time for another pint. He went to the bar, slapped a few pounds down, and was awarded with a nice large....

cup of chamonile tea.

"OH come on!" The tea remained, not magically turning into a pint. Just simple calming tea.

George snorted with annoyance and tried to ignore it as he decided to fidget and tear a napkin up into itty bitty pieces instead. Not really caring about the mess he was making.

(ooc: a quick note to any vampires or undead that tag George and I encourage you to do so. He's really really not happy with them after being attacked a few times back home. So consider one warned.)

george sands, penelope clearwater

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