
Jul 15, 2010 20:47

Demons, like any other group with more than two members, have to contend with gossip. With rumors presented as news and opinions as fact. With stories that have been embellished and embroidered and left the way a meatsuit tends to get left -- in rather less pristine condition than it was found ( Read more... )

the trickster (spn), michael the archangel, the crossroads demon (verity)

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changeinasnap July 17 2010, 14:51:45 UTC

Guess it was only a matter of time, what with running into an angel, Raven, and Coyote in the past. Looks like he just scored a bingo in the Oh Great Not You Too game.

A crisp snap of a breaking chocolate bar sounds from a bit further down, as he bites into his dinner with great relish.


justasaleswoman July 17 2010, 15:06:21 UTC
Well, well, well. This is new and different.

The thing is, you have that kind of power, even just sittin' around, you're gonna get a girl's attention.

Even if she's not exactly sure what kind of power you've got.

Oh, but she knows you've got it, darling.

"Didn't your mama ever tell you to chew with your mouth closed?"

It's amused, rathen than angry or annoyed, and accompanied by something that's halfway to a smile.


changeinasnap July 17 2010, 15:46:32 UTC
"Nope," he answers cheerily. (Around -- what else? -- a mouthful of chocolate.)

If he weren't on a barstool, this is about where he'd kick his feet up onto the table just to be extra-irritating. "Come on, this -- " he shakes the chocolate bar at her -- "always tastes better when you eat it sans manners."

Just ask any five-year-old. They know what's up.


justasaleswoman July 17 2010, 15:48:29 UTC
Verity raises an eyebrow.

"The appeal of the forbidden?"


changeinasnap July 17 2010, 16:15:06 UTC
"More like the fun in relaxing." He lifts an eyebrow. "Heard that's what this place is all about."


justasaleswoman July 17 2010, 16:21:00 UTC
"Oh, darling, if you've heard what this place is all about, you're ahead of me.

"I wouldn't begin to presume what the maker of this place was hoping for.

"Or if that creator achieved his -- or her, or its, or their -- aims."


changeinasnap July 17 2010, 17:48:54 UTC

"It's a bar," he says, as if this explains it all.

...Okay, to him, it pretty much does.


justasaleswoman July 17 2010, 18:09:00 UTC
"And they have the damn good apple martini to prove it, yes," she says.

"But I've been in more than a few bars in my time, darling, and this one . . . this one is . . . not exactly like the others.

"Of course if you just meant that as my cue to ask if you come here often . . .

"Come here often?"


changeinasnap July 18 2010, 01:18:11 UTC
"Uh, yeah. It's better. Atmosphere, clientele, food, what's not to like? And trust me, sweetheart," he says, his tone and smile not changing one iota even as the edge to his look sharpens. "That wasn't any kind of cue."

Maybe he should be trying to play it cool, but -- yeugh. Her type just gets him on edge. Can't be helped.

Taking another bite of chocolate, he adds, "Could ask the same of you though."


justasaleswoman July 18 2010, 01:22:03 UTC
Verity laughs.

"Oh, don't worry, darling. You're not my type, either."

She shrugs.

"Often enough. It turns up here and there.

"And it's . . . diverting."


changeinasnap July 18 2010, 01:32:33 UTC
"Diverting like how? The people watching?"

Because he's gotta admit, that's one of the things he enjoys the most in this joint.

Most of the time.


justasaleswoman July 18 2010, 01:57:30 UTC
"You just like to watch?"

Because some of them are fun to interact with, too.


changeinasnap July 18 2010, 02:32:39 UTC
"Not all the time," he allows, chowing down on another mouthful of candy. "But it's better than the crop of movies Hollywood's cranking out right now."

Three words, Verity: Good Luck Chuck.


justasaleswoman July 18 2010, 02:42:18 UTC
"It is amazing what people will pay nine dollars to give up two hours of their life for."

Verity doesn't like to tell tales, but she has made some fabulous deals in Hollywood.


changeinasnap July 18 2010, 02:55:03 UTC
"Or fifteen, if you're talking IMAX."

He sketches out a circle in midair with the chocolate, indicating Verity. "So where're you from, anyway?"

Not that he doesn't already know, but he's gonna see if he can get her to admit it.


justasaleswoman July 18 2010, 02:56:47 UTC
"Originally, currently, or generally?"


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