
Jul 15, 2010 20:47

Demons, like any other group with more than two members, have to contend with gossip. With rumors presented as news and opinions as fact. With stories that have been embellished and embroidered and left the way a meatsuit tends to get left -- in rather less pristine condition than it was found ( Read more... )

the trickster (spn), michael the archangel, the crossroads demon (verity)

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theunsmiling July 16 2010, 01:22:17 UTC
There's a point at which the barstool two down from Verity is occupied by an angel.

Said angel is wearing a T-shirt that reads Sanity is back-ordered. Sarcasm is in unlimited supply.

She's got one elbow propped up on the bar, looking surprisingly comfortable. (Well, it would be surprising to some.)

"Fancy meeting you here. Creature."


justasaleswoman July 16 2010, 01:23:41 UTC
Verity sets her drink down next to her purse, and smiles.

"Hello, darling.

"Come here often?"


theunsmiling July 16 2010, 01:26:49 UTC
"Mmm," Michael says noncommittally, lifting her cup of coffee and taking a drink.

"Often enough for my purposes. And you for yours."

How utterly unanticipated for both of them.



justasaleswoman July 16 2010, 01:31:06 UTC
Ever so very unanticipated.

"How the hell have you been, Michael?"


theunsmiling July 16 2010, 01:34:46 UTC
"In Hell."

Her mouth is pursed tight. Irritation will do that.

"Thee and thy kind are a very great trial, indeed."


justasaleswoman July 16 2010, 01:36:36 UTC
"Well, that is kind of the point of Hell, after all.

"Did you get out before the tribulation began?"


theunsmiling July 16 2010, 01:42:44 UTC
"This time," Michael says, voice very dry, "I was the tribulation. Along with my brother."


They were tribulation enough for Christian, anyway.


justasaleswoman July 16 2010, 01:44:38 UTC
Verity considers this for a moment.

Michael's world is a weird place.

"So, what? You went with him to get the last of the boxes from his ex's place or something?"


theunsmiling July 16 2010, 01:51:40 UTC
Michael snorts.

"Would that it were so simple."


justasaleswoman July 16 2010, 01:53:34 UTC
"Well, don't keep a girl in suspense, darling."

It's just mean to tease people.

Verity would know.

"Why were you and your prodigal brother sojourning in Hell?"


theunsmiling July 16 2010, 02:00:36 UTC
"To treat with Satan."

Someone here looks pissy. It is probably not Verity.

"On his part. And to prevent him slipping into his old ways, on mine."

She is doubtful whether or not that actually worked.


justasaleswoman July 16 2010, 02:02:39 UTC
"So, getting his boxes and keeping him from taking the bitch back?"


theunsmiling July 16 2010, 02:08:08 UTC
Michael flicks her fingers dismissively.

It doesn't quite detract from the accompanying snort.

"To put it in very human terms, yes."


justasaleswoman July 16 2010, 02:10:09 UTC
Verity takes another sip of her drink before she asks, "And did it work?"


theunsmiling July 16 2010, 02:16:14 UTC
"I'll get back to you in a century."

The wry twist to Michael's mouth may be unexpected.

Except that Lucifer is, after all, her brother.

She's not the one that forgets that.


justasaleswoman July 16 2010, 02:21:06 UTC
"Maybe I'll put it on my calendar," Verity says.

"And flag it for follow up."


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