
Jul 06, 2010 23:00

One Friendly Neighbourhood Lucifer, sprawled on a sofa with a book. Periodically, he reaches out for an After Eight chocolate from the box next to him, or (depending on how lazy he's feeling) one of the little square chocolates levitates itself to him.

DEFINITELY botherable.

sam linnfer, cal chandler, guppy sandhu

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isaysimplewords July 6 2010, 22:42:34 UTC
Cal, of course, goes (slightly) out of his way to swipe a chocolate before inviting himself to sit on the sofa Sam has claimed. You'd think no one ever taught him any manners.

He also preemptively sets his raktajino aside.

Then he eats his stolen chocolate.

Then he says,


Surely Sam can understand that set of priorities.


necessary_child July 6 2010, 22:45:38 UTC

Sniffily, "I don't talk to chocolate thieves."

Although if Cal cares to provide adequate compensation...


isaysimplewords July 6 2010, 22:47:37 UTC
"I figured I'd save you the trouble of offering to share."

He was only thinking of Sam's convenience! Cal is considerate like that.


necessary_child July 6 2010, 22:51:09 UTC
"You're too kind, I'm sure." Sam sticks his tongue out.

"Evening, not-at-all Favourite."


isaysimplewords July 6 2010, 22:55:34 UTC
Cal laughs.

"Evening," he says. "What are you reading?"

He's not all that interested, but with Sam it's a better question than how are you?, because the answer to that isn't going to change until he's unBound.


necessary_child July 6 2010, 23:04:54 UTC
Sam smiles a little - he understands the meaning - as he closes his book and holds it up.

"Sherlock Holmes," he says. "Study in Scarlet. How're you doing?"


isaysimplewords July 6 2010, 23:12:46 UTC
"I met him," Cal says. "I taught him how to use a coffeemaker."

He doesn't know if he's told Sam this already, be he feels it bears repeating.

"I'm pretty good. It's been kinda quiet lately."

Relatively speaking. The conversation with Alex is still on his mind a little, but he doubts she'd appreciate him sharing too much about it. He wonders how much she would even have told him if she'd been in a less fragile state of mind.

"I didn't see you at the prom thing," he adds, mock-sternly. Like Sam not being there was a shock or something.


necessary_child July 6 2010, 23:15:44 UTC
Yes. Because he'd totally fit in there.

Sam lifts his eyes innocently. "There was a prom-thing?"


isaysimplewords July 6 2010, 23:19:24 UTC
"The flyers were sparkly," Cal says, as if this explains everything. To him, it does, because how to you miss sparkly flyers?

"I wore a tux." There may be a slight smirk as he says this. Because Sam, in neglecting any and all things prom, missed out on Cal in a tux.

Sometimes a choice is its own punishment.


necessary_child July 6 2010, 23:25:05 UTC
By studiously ignoring said flyers, mainly.

Sam laughs. "Nice try, but I'd still sooner see you out of a tux than in one."


isaysimplewords July 6 2010, 23:29:17 UTC
Cal would probably have done the same if he hadn't assumed Bela would want to go, and want him to take her.

"That would be the point of wearing the tux," he says agreeably. He hadn't stayed in it for long once he and Bela had left and gotten some space to themselves.


necessary_child July 6 2010, 23:50:49 UTC
"Or you could just not wear it at all," Sam suggests. "That'd be a suit everyone would approve of."


isaysimplewords July 6 2010, 23:55:34 UTC
"Except for Security," Cal points out.

The party had been in Milliways, after all. Sort of. He's not really sure how that worked.

They'd had to go through Milliways to get to it, anyway.


necessary_child July 7 2010, 00:21:15 UTC
Sam tuts. "They're such spoil-sports, sometimes."


isaysimplewords July 7 2010, 00:38:18 UTC
"Guess we'll have to save it for home, then."

He can work with that if Sam can.


necessary_child July 7 2010, 00:47:35 UTC
Sam sighs. "I suppose we'll have to."


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