(no subject)

Jul 03, 2010 21:13

Mia and Cepheus are playing on a sofa. The baby is reclining on the pillows and cushions while his mother is playing with his feet, tickling and playing This Little Piggy.

"...and this little piggy had none."

Cepheus blows through his lips, as if he's going to blow a raspberry, and waves his hands towards Mama. She's almost to the best part!

"And this little piggy went wee-wee-wee allllll the way hooooome!"

She tickles at his flailing feet as much as she can while he waves his arms and giggles in glee. She eventually stops the tickling and leans down to give him a tummykiss, causing him to flail and laugh with happiness once again.

"Is my boy happy?" she asks him after a moment.

"Da!" he says to her.

"Mummy loves you so much," she says, taking his hand for a kiss.

It'll be time for their supper soon. But feel free to chat with them until then.

guppy sandhu, mia ausa

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