(no subject)

Jun 29, 2010 16:34

Don't look.
It's not there yet.

Right now it's just an expanse of wall just to the right of the front door. Sure, there are a few various and sundry pictures of patrons both new and old hanging there in the cheap black wooden frames you can buy from your local pharmacy for BOGO, but on the whole that section of wall is pretty nondescript.

Until it isn't.

There's a singular point of bright blue light that appears near where the baseboard meets the floor.
Very soon that singular point of light expands to a line that creeps up the wall.
It continues on a straight and true path towards the ceiling, until about five feet off the ground, when it suddenly turns ninety degrees to the left.
Three feet further, and it turns ninety degrees left again.
Four feet down and it stops.

Then nothing. For what feels like forever nothing.

Until it's something.
It's okay, you can look now.

Where there was once wall there is now a glowing blue portal. Walking through that portal is a four and a half foot tall mutant rat in a burgundy yukata. He's holding a piece of chalk and looking particularly smug. The I've still got it, is very heavily implied. He pockets the chalk, and continues further into the bar, leaning heavily on his walking stick as he does so.

The glowing blue portal closes behind him, with the light disappearing by means of the same pattern used in its creation. The old rat's head cocks to one side, his whiskers twitch as he sniffs at the air.

Oh good, he's right on time.

[not even remotely plot-locked]

wendy watson, splinter, leonardo, alanna of trebond, molly walker, river tam, sallie reynolds, donatello

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