(no subject)

Jun 20, 2010 18:47

Honestly, he's been making every attempt to be respectable but the problem with that, as he sees it, is that he is in fact in no way respectable. That's not to say that marriage and the title of Royal Wizard don't suit him; they do. It only means that every now and again he needs to dust off that little-used dab of silver paint on the doorknob to the castle -- their home, and whatever they want to call it and wherever it goes or however stationary it might be for a time, it's still the moving castle -- and take a night off from the illusion of respectability.

What better place than the end of the universe. As if he never missed a night's adventure here he stands by the door, hands on his hips, hair shifting from black to blond and back again (someone's had their nose in his hair products again), he nods with satisfaction before heading to the bar. Tonight is an ideal night for a glass of cider.

[Magically Minuscule Tag: Finvarra]

ace (pyro), riza hawkeye, howl pendragon, sameth, mia ausa

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