Second verse, same as the first

Jun 11, 2010 14:36

Claudia has taken to Warehouse 13 like a duck to water. She actually seems to enjoy doing inventory. That makes Artie a little suspicious. Not suspicious enough to actually put a stop to it yet, though. After all, the more busywork she does, the more time he can devote to his actual job of tracking down Artifacts ( Read more... )

artie nielsen, claudia donovan, data

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ol_yellow_eyes June 12 2010, 04:59:36 UTC
Data took note of the man sitting in the corner booth when he walked into the Bar. But he did not look twice until he was settled into a nearby table, ready for another fascinating session of people-watching.

After that second look, however, he does not look away.

In fact, the android seems almost frozen, like someone has shut him off.

It is somewhat conspicuous.


doyousmellfudge June 12 2010, 05:03:36 UTC
Yes. Yes it is. And it has caught Artie's attention.

(Has he seen this guy somewhere? He's not as well-versed in popular culture as some of his fellow Warehouse agents.)


ol_yellow_eyes June 12 2010, 05:17:56 UTC
Data is currently accessing information regarding whether or not Zibalians can grow facial hair. They cannot, as far as he knows. But it could always be a disguise.

Despite the fact that his facial recognition program indicates a possible match, the probability that this person is actually Kivas Fajo is likely only a fraction of a percent.

But the possibility exists.

That fact does not frighten Data, in any way. But suddenly his mind is keeping track of the exits.

After a very long silence, it finally occurs to Data that he is staring. Staring is rude.

"Pardon me," he says, slowly. After a moment, he tries asking, "Are we acquainted?"


doyousmellfudge June 12 2010, 22:19:18 UTC
"Nnnnnnot that I'm aware of. Why?"


ol_yellow_eyes June 13 2010, 01:33:08 UTC
Data remains completely still. "Your facial structure closely matches that of someone I am acquainted with," he answers honestly.

Almost everything else about this person-- age, hair, species-- is different. And he sounds genuinely confused at Data's question. This gains the majority of Data's trust, though not all of it.

"May I ask for your name?"


doyousmellfudge June 13 2010, 01:37:51 UTC
"I--ah--Artie. Artie Nielsen. And you are...?"


ol_yellow_eyes June 13 2010, 01:45:33 UTC
There is a pause before Data answers.

"Lieutenant Commander Data, of the starship Enterprise." There is another significantly long pause before he adds, "It is nice to meet you, Mr. Nielsen."


doyousmellfudge June 13 2010, 02:28:58 UTC
Uuuup go the eyebrows.



ol_yellow_eyes June 13 2010, 09:29:38 UTC
Data blinks.

"That is correct," he replies, raising his eyebrows and nodding slightly-- it is the most noticeable amount of movement he has made during this entire conversation. "Is space travel nonexistent in your world?"


doyousmellfudge June 13 2010, 15:12:17 UTC
"Well, y'know, not nonexistent. I mean, we've still got the space program, for now, at least..."


ol_yellow_eyes June 14 2010, 08:05:39 UTC
"Are you from Earth?" Data asks, looking more curious now.


doyousmellfudge June 14 2010, 17:52:30 UTC
"Well, it's not like there's a lot of other options, just now. --2009," he adds as an afterthought.


ol_yellow_eyes June 14 2010, 21:40:57 UTC
There is a pause as Data considers this. Would a Zibalian know such a detail about Earth's history?

Data gets up from his chair and walks over to Artie's booth, setting his hands on the table and leaning a little closer. He does this for two reasons-- first, he is checking to see if this man is wearing a proximity detector. (Which he clearly is not, or Data would have been thrown across the room by now.) Second, he wants to study Artie's face for any sign that he is lying when he answers Data's question:

"And you are certain that we have never met before?"

Data realizes that he is being somewhat rude. So... apologies if the stare of his yellow eyes is uncomfortable.


doyousmellfudge June 14 2010, 21:48:04 UTC
"Yes," replies Artie, somewhat testily. "I can count on one hand the number of times I've encountered anyone who's been in outer space, and none of them gave me the eyeball like this."


ol_yellow_eyes June 14 2010, 22:07:35 UTC
Data straightens, looking much less suspicious now.

"I apologize for my behavior, Mr. Nielsen," he says sincerely. "I realize that I have been rude to you. It conflicts with my usual programming."

Thinking that Artie deserves an explanation, Data continues, "The acquaintance of mine to whom you bear a close resemblance made a threat the last time I saw him. Although it was unlikely, I was... concerned that you might be the same person, in which case I would have considered myself in danger."


doyousmellfudge June 14 2010, 23:03:55 UTC
"It wasn't me," Artie reaffirms. "I'm not in the habit of threatening people."


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