Second verse, same as the first

Jun 11, 2010 14:36

Claudia has taken to Warehouse 13 like a duck to water. She actually seems to enjoy doing inventory. That makes Artie a little suspicious. Not suspicious enough to actually put a stop to it yet, though. After all, the more busywork she does, the more time he can devote to his actual job of tracking down Artifacts ( Read more... )

artie nielsen, claudia donovan, data

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claudiometer June 11 2010, 23:17:23 UTC
Hokay, so. Here's the Claudia. She's chillin'. Damn, that is a sweet Claudia, you might say--

...You know, up to the point where she realises that's sorta her boss. In the corner. With the snickerdoodles.
Jedi mind trick's not gonna work, so much, is it?


doyousmellfudge June 11 2010, 23:18:20 UTC
There are many things Claudia Donovan is good at. Blending in with a crowd? Not one of them.

When Artie catches that telltale glint of streaked red hair out of the corner of his eye, he freezes, cookie halfway to his mouth.


claudiometer June 11 2010, 23:20:23 UTC
...Yeah, Claudia's just gonna act casual, now. Maybe it;ll go better if she acts like it's nothing unusual, that they're both here?


doyousmellfudge June 11 2010, 23:22:16 UTC

Ms. Donovan hasn't known Artie very long, but she should recognize his you're-about-to-be-in-trouble voice.


claudiometer June 11 2010, 23:25:48 UTC
ohhhh, she does. And her usual response to something like that? Dive into it headfirst.
"Dude, do you never mention the important things? Like a door to the restaurant at the end of the universe being right at hand?"


doyousmellfudge June 11 2010, 23:27:39 UTC
"I did mention the important things. In this case, the important thing I mentioned was not to touch anything!" snaps Artie. "Did I not explicitly say that when you started working??"


claudiometer June 11 2010, 23:34:52 UTC
"Yeah. And you'll notice that mostly I haven't." Exceptions being this and her repurposing project.
"And, you know, if you want people to leave it alone, maybe you shouldn't have labeled it Milliways. I probably would've left it alone if you hadn't."
Or at least thought long and hard about it. Even with this place, she has a Thing about interdimensional spaces.


doyousmellfudge June 11 2010, 23:38:06 UTC
"'Mostly'?" Artie echoes. "'Mostly' doesn't cut it, Claudia. The rules exist for a reason, a good reason. People get hurt, or killed, or worse, if those rules aren't followed. Things do not get put in the Warehouse because they're friendly and safe to play with, you understand?"


claudiometer June 11 2010, 23:42:12 UTC
"Yeah, I got that memo when I was ten, geezer."
Even if she didn't know it applied, quite yet, she got it all the same.


doyousmellfudge June 11 2010, 23:43:53 UTC
Artie just gives her a Look. Clearly, she didn't fully grasp that message, because she's here.


claudiometer June 11 2010, 23:50:09 UTC
"Aren't you the one who was calling me impulsive a few weeks ago?" Because, really, if he already knows she's not afraid of the risks, he shouldn't be all surprised when she goes and takes them.
"Besides, you're here, and I don't see you letting it sneak up on you if you can help it."
And if he's got a plate of cookies on hand.


doyousmellfudge June 11 2010, 23:51:17 UTC
Surprised? Who said anything about being surprised? Disappointed, maybe.

"I am here because Mrs. Frederick ordered me to keep tabs on this place. What's your excuse?"


claudiometer June 11 2010, 23:55:16 UTC
"Half the time? Trying to keep my nasal passages cleared so I can keep working. It's like nobody's heard of dusting in the last century."
She doesn't try to justify the other...... okay three-quarters.


doyousmellfudge June 11 2010, 23:57:51 UTC
"Uh-huh." Artie totally believes you. Really. "And the other half?"


claudiometer June 12 2010, 00:00:52 UTC
You gotta admit, it is usually closer than trekking all the way back up to the office.
...She can just glare at him instead of answering, right? Right.


doyousmellfudge June 12 2010, 00:03:48 UTC
Artie pulls his glasses up and drags his hand over his face with a sigh. "Claudia, I realize that there are a lot of Artifacts in the Warehouse that seem tempting. But you need to realize that they're in the Warehouse because they're not toys to play with!"


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