(no subject)

Jun 09, 2010 11:37

The RED team got a new Scout today, who thought it would be very clever to distract the BLU Medic by casting aspersions on his activities during the run-up to 1945. He got carried back to RED headquarters in the brown paper bag that RED's Heavy normally used to hold his sandvich supply.

The Medic, on the other hand, has parked himself at a table in Milliways and is grumbling under his breath as he turns the pages of his newspaper. How was he supposed to know how tough the brat's jaw was? Now all the knuckles on his left hand are throbbing. It's not worth wasting the medigun on, and he'll be damned if he takes aspirin for something this puny, but it's still annoying. At least the science news is interesting today.

a blu medic, cata, micah callahan

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