
Jun 02, 2010 18:53

Data is in the bar with his cat today, occupying one of the booths. Spot is standing on the table with his face in a bowl of (apparently delicious) cat food, next to which is a datapad that his owner is currently studying ( Read more... )

trudy chacon, duck, enzo matrix, data, fakir

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reallyaduck June 3 2010, 03:03:00 UTC
Duck is bouncing cheerfully past Spock's table when she notices . . . the cat.


She reels backwards on her heels - the 'flight' reflex is maybe just a little stronger in girls who are actually ducks - and then remembers a little late that she is a girl now, a girl who is ten times the size of cats (except for Mr. Cat, but that's another story) and promptly tries very hard to put on an air of total unconcern.

She'd be whistling if she could. Alas, she cannot.


ol_yellow_eyes June 3 2010, 05:24:03 UTC
Data notices the girl near his booth and turns to look at her. She seems to be displaying signs of nervousness.

"Pardon me," he addresses politely, still petting his cat. "Are you alright?"


reallyaduck June 4 2010, 05:00:32 UTC
"Me? Y-yeah, I'm fine!"

Duck is both fine and brave! Yes! She is totally normal and cats do not scare her at all.

"I mean, why wouldn't I be fine, right?"

Introductions are normal, right? "I'm Duck!"


ol_yellow_eyes June 4 2010, 05:11:34 UTC
"Lieutenant Commander Data," Data returns, with a slight nod. "And this is Spot."

The cat mews and cranes his neck a little, hoping to sniff at Duck.


reallyaduck June 4 2010, 05:42:31 UTC
"Hi, Spot," Duck says, fidgeting, and hoping she smells like 'girl' and not like 'duck.'

And then, belatedly, "And hi, Mr. Data - uh, Lieutenant Commander Data? Um, am I supposed to say the whole thing? Anyway, it's nice to meet you!"

Duck is not really clear on the polite etiquette by which to address military officers!


ol_yellow_eyes June 4 2010, 05:52:24 UTC
"Commander Data is correct, if that is easier," Data tells her. "But if you prefer, I do not mind being called 'Mr. Data.'" It is true that only his seniors call him that, but Duck is not a member of Starfleet and Data does not feel any particular need to be addressed formally by people he meets in Milliways. "It is nice to meet you as well," he adds.

Spot is practically crawling out of Data's arms to sniff Duck. Once he does though, he only lingers for a few moments before seemingly losing interest.


reallyaduck June 4 2010, 06:10:22 UTC
"I'll try to call you Commander Data if that's right, but . . . I'll probably forget," Duck says, humbly.

"'Mr.' is easy! 'cause you always call grown-ups 'Mr.'"

Duck's look of relief when the cat turns away is . . . something she is trying hard not to make as obvious as it is! And failing.


ol_yellow_eyes June 4 2010, 06:18:42 UTC
Data has been noticing her odd behavior towards his cat, and decides to comment.

"Do you not like cats?" he asks, pulling Spot a little closer and petting him absently.


reallyaduck June 4 2010, 06:24:08 UTC
"Uh - no, I like them fine! I mean, my teacher, Mr. Cat, is really good . . . except he's scary when he gets mad, but - I mean, I guess the teeth are kind of scary and all . . ."

And also the marriage proposals, but that's probably Mr. Cat-specific.


ol_yellow_eyes June 4 2010, 07:37:47 UTC
"Oh," Data says. "I had assumed by your behavior that Spot was making you nervous for some reason. But I suppose that I was incorrect in that assumption."

It takes a moment for Data to fully comprehend what Duck has just told him, which is exceedingly unusual for an android.

"You are saying that your teacher is an actual feline?" He sounds about as confused as is possible for him.


reallyaduck June 4 2010, 07:50:00 UTC
"Yeah! I mean -" She laughs, glancing over at Spot - now apparently thoroughly at ease. (As long as Spot's not going to try to eat her, it's all good.)

"He's a lot bigger than Spot and all, but Mr. Cat's definitely a cat!"


ol_yellow_eyes June 4 2010, 07:58:21 UTC
Data has never heard of such a thing. Of course, there are many things he has heard in Milliways that he has not encountered in his own universe. And he has no reason to believe that this girl is lying, so he accepts what she says.

"What does he teach?" Data asks, quite curious.

Spot, on the other hand, is starting to look rather bored.


reallyaduck June 7 2010, 02:11:39 UTC
"He's our ballet teacher!"

Duck takes advantage of an empty chair and uses it as an impromptu barre to demonstrate enthusiastically, extending her leg up in a very wobbly arabesque.

"I'm in the beginner class but he teaches all the ballet students."


ol_yellow_eyes June 7 2010, 02:21:17 UTC
Data looks rather impressed, in spite of the wobbliness.

"Is it not difficult for someone with feline anatomy to perform such a technically difficult form of dance?" Data asks. Ballet was designed for humans, was it not?


reallyaduck June 7 2010, 02:26:17 UTC
"Oh, no - he's really graceful! I mean, he can stand upright like a person so . . . I dunno if all cats can do that."

She squints over at Spot, who might, it's true, look rather silly up on two legs.

"But I think being a cat helps cause - um, don't cats always land on their feet or something? That's in a story . . ."


ol_yellow_eyes June 7 2010, 06:13:08 UTC
"Yes, that is true in most cases," Data replies. "Cats have excellent balance. I suppose that would be particularly helpful in regards to ballet." Although Data is not certain how that would work for a cat who is balanced on his hind legs.

Spot is reaching for the food again, a bit more eagerly, so Data sets him back on the table to let him eat.

"May I ask which story you were referring to?" Data asks, curious. He can find many stories in which that fact about cats is mentioned, but none in which it is particularly prominent.


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