Jun 01, 2010 22:17
So first the gates of Hell open.
Then the Weekly World News shuts down.
Then it turns out the Winchester brothers, Señor Muttonhead and Muttonhead Junior, are the ones responsible for bullet point A up there?
Man, this is the worst fall ever.
Sulking, he scoops up a bite of waffle -- okay, more like a tiny island of cooked dough in an Atlantic-sized sea of maple syrup -- and eyes Milliways at large. Maybe he should tie a couple of metaphorical shoelaces together or something. Pranks always make him feel better.
(Hey, don't judge. He's a trickster. He's allowed!)
[OOC: as per usual, slowtimes are highly likely, but! Post is open until it scrolls.]
the trickster (spn),