Ah, Cubefall. The holiday of voluntary body changes.
Greetings and welcome to Cubefall, the holiday of our robot friends from Cybertron, the vidwindow reads to Rabastan, followed by an outline of what Cubefall is, even if the reader has past experience with it. You never know who's new around here, and vidwindows never do.
Once that's out of the way, the wizard is given a selection of configurations, with the Y/N? at the bottom of the list.
"I like being human but I don't want to be a fashion model and I can be an animal when I wish, so I do not wish to be one. Particuluarly a pufferfish."
How is that supposed to work?!
The only option left is a
robot, and one with what can be best described as a
wolf alt mode.
"Every year! You do this to me every year! What is it with you and robot wolves? You'd almost have me believe that being a wolf is the most suitable thing to be!"
The text on the vidwindow just blinks, oblivious to the tirade as it waits for the answer.
"If it's a toss-up between a bloody robot wolf and a pufferfish..."
Once again, according to the tradition-in-progress, Rabastan is a wolf-bot for Cubefall.
He's unamused by it, not the least of which is due to the fact that in robot mode his right arm ends in a wolf's head.