May 25, 2010 20:16
The flotsam and jetsam of mortal life never ceases to be a source of fascination.
Castiel is seated at a table, looking over the small collection of items he had found on the floor of Milliways this evening. It’s something of a compulsion-once he finds one item, he will search curiously until he finds more.
A bottle cap. A puzzle piece. A gold foil candy wrapper. A peanut shell. A red glass earring. A wrinkled post-it note with Milk, Juice, Toothpaste, Chocolate scrawled on it. Two pennies. A grey feather. And a stub of a pencil.
It really is amazing what people lose.
[My LJ is running really slow tonight--please bear with me if tags are a few minutes coming.]
cal chandler,
ellen park,
mia ausa,