(no subject)

May 24, 2010 22:41

OOM: My name is Sam Tyler. I had an accident and woke up in 1973...

Pubs are very pleasant places to be, especially when you're there on official business because you can let the journos buy the beer. They always think if they get him pissed enough, he'll tell more than he's supposed to.

Unfortunately for them, he's got the tolerance of an iron mule and they'd fallen by the wayside long ago. So he nipped back to the office and grabbed Tyler's file, meaning to read it again over his, now, very belated lunch.

But the canteen appears to have turned into another pub. This one, in fact.

'The universe obviously wants me t'get pissed,' he mutters under his breath, and y'know? That's just fine with him. OK, he feels like a fanny ordering a whiskey chaser from thin air but it arrives straight away and with no lip, so he can cope with the embarrassment.

And it's as good a place as any to have a think on his new DI.

[Tag of Manc Lion proportions: Gene Hunt]

olga, teja, gene hunt, melaka fray, oom

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