(no subject)

May 21, 2010 15:55

She's going to have to go back home sooner or later, but every time Ellen approaches the front door she starts thinking about those Enclave bastards and the battle at the Memorial just roars up in her head. And when it doesn't, the prospect of having to talk to Lord only knows how many Brotherhood of Steel strangers about exactly what happened, and how, and possibly why shows up instead- and it's just as bad as flashing plasma bolts and gold-eyed power armor. So she hasn't gone home yet. Not today, not yesterday, not the day before that.

Being able to pull yourself together in a crisis only pulls you so far. Especially when you still don't know where your dog is.

She's out back just now. She's still got Brahmin here- she never did get to take them back to Megaton. Giant two-headed cows are easier to handle than people sometimes. And if it's a little damp out, because it's Scotland out there and the only place wetter in Britain is Wales... well, that's what the Regulator duster is for, isn't it? Keeping the wet off and the warm in? Yeah. It'll do.

Try not to cheese off the Brahmin, it won't end well.

sativa, carl benton, ellen park

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