(no subject)

May 07, 2010 02:14

There are good days, there are bad days, there are right days and there are wrong days in life.

Today was one of those that started fine and then went bad, but considering the person at the center of the shift, it was not surprising but for the fact it was long overdue.

Anyone wandering by the firing range may find a few interesting things, namely, four:

- One plasma rifle, scoped, laying on the ground;

- One energy pack for said plasma rifle, laying on the ground a few inches away;

- One cybernetic left-forearm prosthesis, close to both rifle and power pack;

- One charred spot down range where a target used to be.

If the faux-Scottish spring rains did not wipe it already, a keen eye might notice a trail left by small size boots heading into the woods. One might wonder what happened there.

[ Open forever, for all; multiple findings of the gadgets or of Jordan are fine too. ]


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