Entrance Post!

Apr 07, 2010 17:07

[Pre-OOM: Business or Pleasure?: Part 2]

Oh there ain't no rest for the wicked
Money don't grow on trees

[ Part 1]

Mordecai isn't expecting a lot from his room aboard the shuttle. The flight wasn't the best, the ship wasn't the nicest, and the price was the only argument for his choice. That having been said, when the masked bandito pushes open the door and steps through, what greets him is both better and worse than he expected.

"What the-?"

On the one hand, it's a lot nicer than the room he was expecting. Better lighting, lots of space, and his own personal bar. On the other hand, there does seem to be a lot of people in his room, which may make it difficult to sleep. Also there's the problem of it being spatially impossible for this place to fit in the ship, let alone a single room, but Mordecai has his priorities, and sleep is currently ahead of just about everything else right now.


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