(no subject)

Apr 04, 2010 15:56

In a somewhat uncharacteristic move for someone usually so observant of her surroundings, Cata has fallen asleep at her table.
To be fair, it looks like she started out well; her back is to the wall, and the table has an excellent view of the rest of the bar. But she's asleep nonetheless, with a pile of essays in various states of 'graded' and 'ungraded' keeping her company.

And Sam, for a bit, on his way outside to have a closer look at those targets.
He considers waking her up - a return on her doing the same for him when he was ill, one might call it - but first picks up one of the essays. After reading a bit, he makes a face; he can see where this put her to sleep. The writer's style is terribly dry.
(Not to mention, even Sam can tell they don't know their way around poisons yet; the combination they're suggesting would more likely hurt the mixer well before getting to its intended target.)
He stays for a while, and resists the urge to add comments of his own in the margins, at least until he wakes her up to ask if he can.

(OOC: Open at least through tomorrow night, due to the holiday; I'll have to call family-related slowtime in about an hour, but should be around most of tomorrow to balance that out. Tag one or both; catch Cata asleep or awake; catch Sam inside or out; just tell me which you're doing.)

[tiny!tag: Sam]

a blu medic, cata, sam (villains by necessity)

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