You know, when you've been coming to Milliways for almost five and a half years, it really means something when you call it the awkwardest goddamn thing that has ever happened to you.
Body swapping with Jack Bauer is the awkardest. Goddamn. Thing. That has ever happened to Nita Callahan.
Thursday she obviously couldn't go home, which means she's missed a day of classes, which is going to be so much fun to explain to her professors. She's spent the last couple days more or less cloistered in her room trying to work out how this happened, and how to fix it -- but her wizardry isn't working right. All her power signatures are off thanks to the switch.
Well, one thing about Milliways: even when awful, embarrassing, awkward, insane things happen to you there, chances are that someone there will be able to help with those same things. So Nita has finally made her way down to the bar proper -- still moving more stiffly than she's used to -- and claimed a table, in the hopes she'll run into someone with a bright idea or two. And, you know, to get some food. Jack's body needs to eat a lot more than her own does.
[ooc: In and out today due to Easter things, but open forever!]