
Mar 27, 2010 16:08

One boy young man, one booth, one book and one hot chocolate. Mix well, bake until golden brown.Ichigo's in a booth with a book today, a drink nearby half-finished and now forgotten as he struggles with an old, well-worn paperback. Having never heard of "Of Mice and Men", and having little experience with America in the past or the present, Ichigo ( Read more... )

kaye fierch, kurosaki ichigo

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ironside_pixie March 27 2010, 20:12:15 UTC
Well, clearly that means he is stupid. Right? Riiiiight? Like some horrendous American cartoon, Kaye pops up behind his shoulder. Mug of coffee; check. Gaudy pink cocktail stirrer with naked lady topper; check.

Annoying attitude; Definitely check.

"Reading? You?" She gives him a look of disbelief.


kurosakiboy March 27 2010, 20:15:30 UTC
His brow furrows into it's usual grumpy position, but he's secretly glad to see her. He's pretty sure that their last meeting suggested more talking to each other in the future.

"Yes me," he replies, not looking over his shoulder at her. "I happen to enjoy reading. It's probably my favorite pass-time after slaying monsters and beating up jerks."


ironside_pixie March 27 2010, 20:18:25 UTC
Ichigo's from Japan. Women there don't really talk unless they're being oppressed. Of course, that's just Kaye's slightly racist outlook on things.

"Name three books you've read this year." She slips into the seat beside him, looks decidedly awkward for a few seconds and moves to the one opposite. She stirs her drink vigorously, cheeks red, distracting him from what just happened.


kurosakiboy March 27 2010, 20:22:18 UTC
Ichigo would not approve of this outlook. Then again, Kaye IS a brutish, lazy and unintelligent American with the attention span of a gnat and the worldly knowledge of a shrew.

"This one, um..." Ichigo is finding it hard to think, what with the sudden confusion bouncing around his head. She was sitting next to him, then she moved, and he isn't sure which one is distracting him more. Is he supposed to say something? Is sitting beside one another a big step for new couples? IS HE ALLOWED TO USE THE WORD COUPLE?

"Well YOU name three!"


ironside_pixie March 27 2010, 20:23:37 UTC
"I never claimed to be resident Librarian of Geektown." She counters, poking the dirty cocktail stirrer at him in accusation.


kurosakiboy March 27 2010, 20:28:59 UTC
"Neither did I! It's one bo-"

There is a pause, and Ichigo's ears turn a bright shade of red at the exact same time.

"...what is that thing?"



ironside_pixie March 27 2010, 20:31:20 UTC
Her mouth tilts upwards, evil, then suddenly replaced by a look of blankness. She shrugs nonchalantly.

"It's a cocktail stirrer."


kurosakiboy March 27 2010, 20:33:34 UTC
He's quick enough to catch her little evil grin, but he tries not to reward her wickedness with a smile. Evil should not be so cute!

"It's inappropriate is what it is," he remarks, nudging it away with his book. He doesn't want it pointing at him!


ironside_pixie March 27 2010, 20:35:07 UTC
"Why? She's just trying to have fun." Her eyebrows rise towards her hair. Kaye can't help it, she grins again, plopping the offending implement in his nearby drink and taking a smug sip of her coffee.

"Aaaah. Satisfying."


kurosakiboy March 27 2010, 20:41:50 UTC
He's quite glad he's done with that drink all of a sudden. He nudges the mug away from him, keeping a wary eye on the woman for a minute before he turns to look at her instead.

She's much nicer to look at, he must admit.

"Having fun at my expense?" He asks, quirking one eyebrow at her. His lips are still held in a serious line, but his eyes betray him. He can't stop himself from liking these little exchanges, naked women and all.


ironside_pixie March 27 2010, 20:45:40 UTC

She runs a finger around the rim of her coffee cup, her eyes on the murky liquid. She can't believe how fast things have went from horrible to right back to where they used to be. With Lethe no longer around, Ichigo's practically her only friend.

But she can't say what she wants to say without sounding stupid.

"I --"


"What's going on with you?"


kurosakiboy March 27 2010, 20:50:24 UTC
"Nothing you haven't already heard about." His life is pretty stale in here, and the few new things that have happened are things he isn't sure he wants her to hear about right now. He doesn't want her to worry.

He doesn't want to leave just yet.

"What about you?"


ironside_pixie March 27 2010, 20:53:17 UTC
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you." She snags a strand of her hair with her fingers and places it behind her ear. The corners of her mouth are beginning to tilt upwards.

"I met this guy. I really like him. I have for a while. Except now...I know he likes me too."

Something I never thought I deserved.

"Makes me feel kind of old though."


kurosakiboy March 27 2010, 20:56:35 UTC
The corners of his own mouth begin to curve upwards as well, slowly and surely, and he struggles to keep it out of his voice.

"Oh yeah? Good for you. What're you gonna do with this new guy now that you know he likes you?"


ironside_pixie March 27 2010, 20:59:15 UTC
"Take him for a test-drive."

This part, this part is just like with Roiben. The flirting and teasing that makes your heart beat faster than it's meant to. The blush that happens to color your cheeks even as your smile splits wider.


kurosakiboy March 27 2010, 21:02:44 UTC
He can't stop the laughter that follows her comment, or the way his cheeks have swiftly turned a shade of red, but he doesn't want to. He's sick of stopping those things, and he's ready to just be himself with her.

"Oh yeah?" He says, teasing her with his eyes and his tone, playful and light and happy. "How do you know he's not the one taking you for a test-drive?"


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