first entrance 2.0

Mar 15, 2010 21:15

She steps out onto the sun-drenched Caribbean shore, delicately formed feet leaving equally delicate prints in the sand to mark her passage. Her skin is smooth and glowing, her limbs long and well shaped, and in bygone days, she might have worn only a garland of flowers to cover herself, or perhaps a strip of gauze.

But these aren't bygone days, and one really has to modernize. What covers her instead is a string bikini of shining gold.

(If you've got it, as the poet says, you might as well flaunt it. Less revered but equally relevant bards have observed: I like big butts and I cannot lie; you other brothers can't deny that when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face, you get--)

That same tiny smile plays coyly about her lips as she lowers her sunglasses to take in the sights.

"Well ... what do you know," she says, in a voice low and thrilling.

"The end of the universe."

[ooc: Ladies and gentlemen, Aphrodite is here (with a slightly recycled EP)! She's on the beach, but if you'd like to meet her in the bar, let's say you can meet her as she comes in the lake door. If you have any questions, please ping at MerkyDee. She has multiple PBs which can be checked out here. Open until I say otherwise!]

havelock vetinari, artemis, trowa barton, ganymede

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