omg kyle's pups free for aaaall

Mar 10, 2010 18:29

Sitting at the Bar, getting a progress report on her mother-in-law from the rats, is Inara Serra and a pot of tea. She looks as poised as ever, with her dark hair swept up out of her face, and her fingernails clinking elegantly against the china of her cup.

"She's not doing any heaving lifting, right?" Inara sighs as she eyes the rat. The rat chitters, illiciting another sigh.

Alice Cullen is lounging on the ledge of the Window, staring out into the swirling mass of stars, humming to herself as she lets a book dangle from her fingers.

She's ever alert though--looking for someone she knows...someone she has yet to befriend, and as always: her husband or brother.

John's outside running laps around the lake. He's been out here long enough that he, in his Florida-born-and-bred mind, thinks that should have turned into a popsicle already.

Since he hasn't, he figures that's a good sign and keeps running. Until he trips on a root.

alice cullen, john crichton, puck, helena bertinelli (huntress), inara serra, rick castle

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