
Mar 09, 2010 19:29

Sam has found a dart board, in one of the bar's many corners. Tonight, he's idly throwing darts at it ( Read more... )

tyler marlocke, sam (villains by necessity)

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tyler_marlocke March 10 2010, 03:53:39 UTC
Eventually, someone does sit down long enough to watch Sam work the dartboard. A young blonde man in a blue shirt that the otherworlders find common and comfortable, blue jeans and worn brown boots. From the look of things for the moment, his book, beer and order of paradoxes is forgotten in exchange for the game.


doesnotmiss March 10 2010, 04:19:23 UTC
Sam barely glances away from the dart board long enough to acknowledge his company. Even with his natural talent, it's the sort of thing that requires a certain amount of concentration, if he doesn't want any of the patrons to end up with a dart in them.
And he doesn't, as he suspects there would be some difficulty in explaining.


tyler_marlocke March 10 2010, 04:25:05 UTC
So the young man watching him suspects. And if Sam glances back again he'll note that the other man's eyebrows are quite well up in the 'interesting' position.

"Good shot."


doesnotmiss March 10 2010, 15:31:59 UTC
"Thank you."
Of course it was a good shot - but he can't expect everyone here to know about it. It's not as though this is where it's a central part of his trade, after all.
He throws the last of the darts he has, aiming for the very top of the board. It sticks.


tyler_marlocke March 10 2010, 17:53:16 UTC
"You mind if I join you for a game? I stare at this history text any longer and I'm going to punch the man who wrote it."

Doesn't expect to win ofcourse, but that's not the point of the game, now is it?


doesnotmiss March 10 2010, 20:41:09 UTC
Sounds a bit like some of the things Mizzamir and his cohorts put about.
"...Why not? It might be fun."
With that, Sam goes over to the dart board, pulls the darts off it, and separates them into colors (red and blue) again. He'd just been tossing all of them at random, with the lack of anyone to play against, but if they're to make a proper game of it...


tyler_marlocke March 10 2010, 21:44:33 UTC
"Mind if I call blue?"

That text might well as read as something the minstrels wrote. He was there for parts of some of those events, but what they've got written is NOTHING like what those parts happened like.

"Loser buys soda for the winner."


doesnotmiss March 10 2010, 22:05:29 UTC
Sam nods, in response to the terms, and hands Tyler the blue darts.
"Did you want to go first?"


tyler_marlocke March 11 2010, 00:30:30 UTC
"I challenged so I think the local rule that matter is 'you go first'." He replies fingering the weight of each of the blue darts.


doesnotmiss March 11 2010, 00:37:46 UTC
"Very well, then."
After a moment's consideration, Sam makes his first throw. It looks quite casual, but there's a lot going into it; he's been playing with these long enough to know that this first dart veers to the left a bit.
It hits just inside the bullseye circle.


tyler_marlocke March 12 2010, 00:56:23 UTC
And the shot gets an approving low whistle from Tyler.

Makes it all the more reason to concentrate on his responding throw, which sadly doesn't end up inside of the bullseye, but rather just next to Sam's on the outside of the circle.


doesnotmiss March 12 2010, 03:32:22 UTC
"Not bad." He can appreciate a good shot from someone else, after all.
Sam's second dart looks like someone might have sat on it once; he can't imagine that was a very comfortable experience. But he knows how to compensate and get it into the bullseye anyway.


tyler_marlocke March 12 2010, 04:48:48 UTC
That gets a very much raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"Years of boredom, pencils and a picture of my former boss laughing."

It's not much of an explanation, except the last part is a lie.

His next shot manages to hit dead center somehow.


doesnotmiss March 12 2010, 20:13:47 UTC
"That does help, every now and then."
...That looked like a lucky shot, but it's too early in the proceedings to tell. Sam moves on to his third shot, this time having to compensate for damaged feathers on the dart; it hits to the top of the bullseye, but still within the circle.


tyler_marlocke March 13 2010, 18:57:52 UTC
He's not even examining his next dart..and Sam would probably be the one to note that it's another with a slightly bent tip to it, and tends to go to the right.

It also thunks in next to the dart that got dead center.


doesnotmiss March 13 2010, 20:46:32 UTC
Sam nods, and considers his last dart for a moment, but only a moment; it's the least messed-up of the set, and good enough that he trusts it for a bit of showing off.

Yes, he totally just sank that into the bullseye with his eyes closed.


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