
Mar 01, 2010 19:15

Ramon has been finding life almost too chilled recently (he's not good with too much relaxation). And what better place than Milliways to fix that? It also lets him get a ride in so he's outside the bar with Blanco tethered to the paddock fence. Normally he doesn't bother with rubbing him down himself but he needs the activity and he intends to go ( Read more... )

teja, ramon salazar, spandexwoman, ganymede

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spandexed_edie March 1 2010, 20:56:15 UTC
Edie's been around lately. She has, really. She's amusing herself right now with taking apart and putting back together one of three guns sitting on her table, which is probably quite incongruous with the large diamond ring on her finger.

Intermittently, she's sipping a glass of Asti with strawberries.

"Hey," she says, not looking up. "Haven't seen you in a while."


latino_menace March 1 2010, 21:09:29 UTC
'You either,' he murmurs. He's not looking up either. He rarely does when talking to her.

'Been up to much?'


spandexed_edie March 1 2010, 21:25:25 UTC
She's okay with that. If she weren't, well, hell, she'd be in a lot more fights than she's in now.

"Took over America," she answers, grinning a little. "Nothing too spectacular, outside of finally getting married, by an Elvis impersonator. You?"

Yeah, she likes both of those things.


latino_menace March 1 2010, 21:31:28 UTC
'Taking over America is something you do a lot then?'

If it doesn't class as anything too spectacular.


spandexed_edie March 1 2010, 21:34:53 UTC
She shakes her head a little, putting one of the guns together and then leans back in the chair.

"Shouldn't have to do it too many times, if you do it right. Tony's in the White House now, and has been for a few months, so, you're lookin' at the First Lady."

To her, it's just another heist that she's helped Tony out on. Nothing out of the ordinary, although the take's bigger than usual.

"Little killing, little blackmail, and bam, renewing my membership in the mile high club in Air Force One."

Post-wedding, of course.


latino_menace March 1 2010, 21:45:27 UTC
'I'm not sure if 'congratulations' is the right word. It doesn't sound like much fun.'

He's totally lying. All that power? He'd be in heaven.

He smirks and swirls his brandy in his glass.

'You should loan me Air Force One. That's a notch I'd like to have on my bedpost.'


spandexed_edie March 1 2010, 21:54:32 UTC
Her eyes slide over to him. Of course he's lying.

She knows people like him. Hell, she is a person like him.

"Tony get's these silly notions about being president, and what can a girl do, but oblige him." Because you know she's not getting any perks out of this at all.

Oh no.

"I'm sure there's a few notches you'd like to have, Ramon. How's that Fiona of yours?"

Oh, that was said way, way too sweetly, as another gun gets put back together.


latino_menace March 1 2010, 22:00:45 UTC
'Should have taken the job yourself.'

He's a chavanist but he thinks a woman could be President of the United States. It shows what regard he holds that country in. Also, he's pretty sure it'd be easier to do his job with a woman at the helm in America.

'Fiona's fine.' He looks her over again. 'You're suggesting I'm not picky?'

He's offended. Only, y'know, not.


spandexed_edie March 1 2010, 22:09:44 UTC
She shakes her head, "Didn't want it. I'm not a fan of politics myself; rather get stuff done the old fashioned way."

And ironic. She still loves the touch of irony...like killing the Secretary of State with a under wire. That was nice.

She looks back at him with a grin. "Hey, what do I know. Maybe she's more...hmm, what's the wording to use...interesting in the sack than she was when I met her with her clothes on."


latino_menace March 1 2010, 22:21:38 UTC
His ever-ready smirk reappears and is bigger than ever.

'She's definitely interesting in the sack.'

Oh hell yes.

'When did you meet her?'


spandexed_edie March 1 2010, 22:32:23 UTC
Edie has the words 'Rode Hard and Put Away Wet' rolling around in her head, but refrains.

Instead, she crosses her legs.

"I'm glad she keeps you entertained, hon," she says, a matching smirk as those words continue to roll around spreads across her face. "Good to know she's good for something besides metaphorically pissing on trees."

She takes the first gun back apart.

"Met her when you did your stint as a tree," she says, as if that also is common. "Made a...interesting topiary, if you don't mind me saying."


latino_menace March 1 2010, 22:53:41 UTC
His face darkens. That particular week isn't something he likes to dwell on.

'She decided to sit there for a week, I didn't ask her to.'

Not that he could of. He was a tree.

'So you didn't like her?'


spandexed_edie March 1 2010, 23:10:34 UTC
"There' s very few things I'd sit outside in front of a tree for for a week, and I'd have to say Tony'd be the top of that list."

In that respect, she has to give Fiona credit.

"I won't say 'didn't like her'...I'd say closer to, well, we're just not compatible as friends. She seemed to have this idea that I was tryin' to steal you away from her. Don't get me wrong, Ramon, handsome you are. Vicious, you are...but I've got my own handsome, vicious man...and I want to keep that."


latino_menace March 1 2010, 23:17:25 UTC
Ramon looks down at his brandy glass for a brief moment.

'She doesn't really like any pretty woman that thinks I'm handsome.'

Normally because he has really bad impulse control.

'You're exclusive with your man now? When we met, you were in a resolutely open relationship.'


spandexed_edie March 2 2010, 01:41:23 UTC
She shrugs. "It's more of a matched set thing now," she says. "I made a deal that if there's anyone else, it's a threesome situation with him in there too. That's fine with me; keeps him from sleeping with people I don't approve of."

Like Nina.


latino_menace March 5 2010, 22:02:55 UTC
He smirks, a touch cattily.

'Doesn't that mean you fight about whether it's the turn of an extra man, or woman?'

He's vaguely envious. Fiona is resolutely against sharing.


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