
Mar 01, 2010 19:15

Ramon has been finding life almost too chilled recently (he's not good with too much relaxation). And what better place than Milliways to fix that? It also lets him get a ride in so he's outside the bar with Blanco tethered to the paddock fence. Normally he doesn't bother with rubbing him down himself but he needs the activity and he intends to go ( Read more... )

teja, ramon salazar, spandexwoman, ganymede

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ostro_goth March 1 2010, 19:48:14 UTC
"Greetings, Ramon Salazar," Teja says, politely enough, as he passes the man.

He is wondering whether he now remembers having been arrested.


latino_menace March 1 2010, 19:53:58 UTC
He remembers. He also remembers a certain furtiveness about the manner of the arrest. Usually new Security hires are posted on the notice board and he keeps track of that sort of thing.

'The secret policeman.'

Also, he's very disappointed (still) that the man is walking around but he hides it well.


ostro_goth March 1 2010, 19:56:39 UTC
"So you remember," Teja says, almost pleased.

It is not a question.


latino_menace March 1 2010, 20:00:33 UTC
He rolls his eyes.



'The bar employing undercover cops now?'


ostro_goth March 1 2010, 20:06:54 UTC
"There is a rogue blood-drinker about," Teja says. "It was thought that having one he knows not of would be advantageous. But I was allowed latitude for emergencies."


latino_menace March 1 2010, 20:11:25 UTC
'I'm an emergency now?'

He snorts and looks away.

'I don't see what use you'd be against a vampire anyway.'


ostro_goth March 1 2010, 20:15:16 UTC
"Of course you are an emergency," Teja says. "At least a young, wild, and entirely un-housebroken Ramon Salazar was."


"And I would be, for the blood-drinker, that which you may call the element of surprise?"


latino_menace March 1 2010, 20:20:57 UTC
He's impressed with that description of his young self and it shows. But all he says is,

'Yes, I get that part. My point is, if you did take a vampire by surprise is that any guarantee that you'd be able to beat it?'

Because he's met a few and super-human strength and inability to die are something they all seem to have in common. While Teja doesn't seem to be able to die again, he severely doubts that he'd be able to arrest one, secret cop or not.


ostro_goth March 1 2010, 20:24:35 UTC
"There is never a guarantee," Teja says. "Even you should know that. But I know what to do, to have a fighting chance. And the blood-drinker could not kill me lastingly, as I am already dead. That was proven but a short time ago."

So the risk would not be too great, compared to that of a Security member who is alive.


latino_menace March 1 2010, 20:30:10 UTC

Neutral face is neutral.

'I've been away. Did something happen?'


ostro_goth March 1 2010, 20:39:48 UTC
"I was shot and killed," Teja says. "They still hold my dead body here, in a room upstairs. But after a day, I came back through the door, freshly dead once more; and Demeter took me away and restored my memory, from the soil of my old home, in the ways she has."


"I would call it an interesting experience, but for the fact that my Charlie was wounded, also, that there might still be a murderer after me, and that I used to have a hole upon my old body, as men from the future have to wear ornaments in, or to show that they can bear pain: - I will have to have that redone. It costs money."

For a moment, Teja considers asking Urquhart (if he ever returns) for reimbursement of the cost of that piercing; the idea amuses him, and it shows.


latino_menace March 1 2010, 20:43:42 UTC
Ramon is careful in his reaction, though it looks natural as anything. Given that Teja knows he can't stand him, the last thing he's going to do is pretend to commiserate.

'Someone shot you and you didn't die?' he repeats flatly, and lights a cigarette. 'Why did you have to tell me that? You've just ruined my whole day.'

It's not like he hasn't threatened to kill the man half a dozen times himself.

'Who was it?'


ostro_goth March 1 2010, 20:48:42 UTC
"Maybe I wished to ruin your whole day, by telling you such pleasant news and then taking them away again?" Teja says. "And make no mistake: - I died! But I returned, from the moment of my original death, as I had entered the bar for the first time. I am out of a piercing, but instead, now have three Tyrian purple cloaks, three battle axes, and my harp thrice over. I might give one of them to Yrael."


"As to who it was, we know not yet surely enough to speak of it; but I am working on it. But we have the murder weapon."


latino_menace March 1 2010, 20:52:26 UTC
'Maybe you'll run out of spare afterlives one day,' he says nastily. 'If you keep dying that often I'm sure the Landlord will just start thinking you don't appreciate his hospitality and not let you come back next time.'

He hopes.

'Maybe I'll do it myself with Hel's sword. I don't see you coming back from that. But whatever did do it, I hope it hurt.'


ostro_goth March 1 2010, 21:07:55 UTC
"It did," Teja says, unmoved. "But I shall not tell you who, even when it will be known, so you cannot go and reward that one for your mere pleasure in my pain. And indeed, I try not to die too often, for the very reason you name. But it does make taking risks somewhat easier."


latino_menace March 1 2010, 21:11:50 UTC
'Perhaps,' he says, musingly, 'he'll let you keep coming back but take away your ability to remember your previous 'life'. That would be funny to watch.'

He might enjoy that even more that simply having the man gone. At least it would be amusing.


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